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where do you store your designs

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  • #16

    It would be easy to check out the "system", as it is being referred to. Just add a bunch of designs and/or information to "the system" then do a clean un-install of the software, reload it and see if any of the information is still there. If it was not saved in a folder "outside" of the Melco "system" then it is highly improbable that any of your information could be in the re-install.

    I thought the "Design Notes" function was a cool thing when I first started this adventure and saved a bunch of information for each of my designs early on...guess what because I did not direct that infomation to a folder outside of the Melco "system", I lost it all when I upgraded from Ver 5 to Ver 6. Since then, I have not tested the "system."

    Jump Drives/Flash drives...............

    As far as the Jump Drives, Flash Drives, yes these little gadgets are very handy and I use them a lot.....I have one now with a ton of info on it that....guess what.....just quit working! Poof, ka-putt, pop, fizzle, that's all folks....Hummmm. From that point on, things are stored in multiple places.....not putting all my eggs in one basket anymore.

    Rod Springer
    Amaya Tech & Trainer
    Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


    • #17
      Flash drives should only be used as a backup and not a primary source for data. So if a flash drive (or hard drive) goes poof, ka-putt, pop, or fizzle, you still have data on the other drive. Usually flash drives are pretty reliable. I keep all my embroidery stuff on a flash drive and also backup the whole computer once a month since I have a bunch of personal stuff on it as well. I use a Seagate FreeAgent external hard drive for backing up the whole hard drive. This is the one I have This way I have multiple backup copies. I keep the flash drive in my pocket with me all the time because I use it for work as well so if the house burns down while I'm not home, I still have my embroidery files. Another popular option is online backup if you want to pay $20/month for it. That way your data is always backed up off-site.


      • #18
        Thanks for the info Steve. We also have a Seagate and I have almost all designs backed up on it.
        Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


        • #19
          Personally, I suggest anyone serious about backup look into a windows home server. Cheap and simple. If not, at least get a backup drive or NAS that is redundant (2 drives).

          Windows Home Servers start at just under $400

          Having lost hard drives over the years, you can never be too backed up.
          John Yaglenski
 - Webmaster
          Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
          Hilton Head Island, SC


          • #20
            according to my computer 'people' that sold me the PC's for equipment (remember, I'm a Mac man) having a second 'internal' hard drive is the same as an 'external'hard drive but easier to use as backup. And it cannot be affected by your computer itself crashing or dying-just pull the hard drive out and transfer to your next machine!
            I do however have a 'DIskGO Edge' megagig (don't know how many) external for my MiniMac since you can't add a second hard drive to the minis. Never had trouble with it. I see external and internal hard drives with 250+ gig for under $ it's a cheap way to add tons of extra storage space whether you want it 'hidden' as an internal or exposed as an external. (remember, external drives mean more plugs and cords, have to have power cords, etc. an internal runs completely off your computer so it is protected by your battery backup/power surge system)


            • #21
              Last night when I looking at the database I found a customer of mine in there. I am absolutely positive that I have not added him since I upgraded to V9. So there is still a question of whether or not all additional info and files are lost. And, I can tell you right now that I am NOT going to uninstall and re-install the program because That whole process makes me very nervous! I have lost important information like thread lists before. However, I think they have gotten better at not wiping out our private stuff on the later versions.

              And while I was thinking about all that last night, I remembered that I wanted to add a new "folder" to "Automatic Custom Shapes". I often get customers who suddenly decide they want something Hawaiian along with a name and the Custom Designs is an excellent place for those designs to be because they can see a bunch of them at the same time and choose. So, in Windows Explorer, I found where a new folder should be: Program Files/DS V9/Symbols/Embroidery/here is where I added a folded named Hawn. I Think I had to shut down DS and restart to see that folder, but it was there. I then proceeded to bring up, one at a time, all appropriate designs, palm trees, Hawn flowers, fish, etc, and made sure they were as small designs and under 5000 stitches and added them to that folder just by clicking "Add Current". I haven't finished yet, but I do have a whole bunch of nice designs that people can easily and quickly choose from. And I know they are all $4-5. And while I was doing that I found that some design had 10 thread changes!! They did NOT get in my Hawn list. I'll just have to hunt for more appropriate designs.

              Juli in Kona
              Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


              • #22
                We also save every customer in a file or folder...we have some that we call Junk that we don't think we will ever use again and we put some stuff in that folder so we can delete it...I have had to go back severarl times to look at a customer's old order to a design, color thread etc. we used on other orders for them...I write all of this on the customers invoice too and I can look back at their old invoices to get this information also...I also keep all of the designs that Don has digitized for us too...I make a copy and put it on my other computer which has a backup by Carbonite and then keep the CD in the safe...I don't backup everyday but at least I have some way to get my important designs back if lost...I have enjoyed reading how everyone else saves their designs's so cold down here in good ole Alabama...I know everyone is freezing but I am almost froze...I freeze in the summer time so I really am cold now...LOL...take care and until next time...


                Westbrook Wonders
                Jenny<br />Westbrook Wonders<br />Wetumpka, AL 36093<br />334-567-3867<br />[email protected]


                • #23
                  We store our designs in a folder labeled Designs. In there we have a folder for every customer. We also have folders labeled EDS3 & EDS, these are old designs that came from who we bought the buisness from. We back up them all once a month on a portable hard drive and put them in fireproof safe. We still use some of the old designs Must have over a 1,000 total. If we use an old one for a customer, we then put it in the Design folder


                  • #24
                    Backing up your system and design library is something everyone should be doing,
                    I have a continious back-up being done constantly on the folders that I keep created data in. With a program called "Live File Back-up" it backs up all changes constantly .
                    But I also back up to DVD every month.
                    All magnetic media (jump drives , Hard Discs, Tape drives, ect...) are unstable and can potentially loose data in so many ways.
                    they can even degrade from just time.

                    I am not saying not to use them but a single power surge can take out your computuer and ANY attached drives.
                    I know this because it has happend to us.
                    thankfully I had just that morning backed up to DVD.

                    So if the information is Improtant, Make a non magnetic backup..
                    not all the time but as a precaution.

                    Just my 2 cents for what its worth.
                    [email protected]
                    Jerome in Minnesota


                    • #25
                      I use a flash drive too! I have a folder on my desktop with sub folders for each customer. Then I move stuff to the flash as I use it.



                      • #26
                        You all speak of the importance of backing up. I am a computer tech geek as well and I agree completely.
                        I am in the process of building a windows home server right now Hardware was 320.00 from dell and the Operating system 96.
                        Flash drives are good, but can fail optical (DVD) are good as archive.
                        One other factor to consider is theft.
                        We had a robbery last summer they took my laptop and all visible external drives and usb drives. So my suggestion is to have your backup separate from your machine. my server will be in the basement and its backup will be kept in a fireproof/waterproof safe.

                        Thanks for all your input on the design storage. I would like to be able to easily have a catalog/ database of designs to show clients quickly. guess the designs studio is not the one to use. Has anyone used the one from wilcom design flow?


                        • #27
                          Drives can fail, I've had it happen and I refuse to go through a mess again.
                          Fortunately I had everything backed up on CDs, 84 of them to be exact.
                          I replaced the hard drive with a new internal drive, bought an external drive and still have the CDs and DVDs with backup files.
                          Main hard drive has a folder called "Designs" included in this folder are subfolders "Customer files" "My files" "Designs by catagory" "Designs by company", the external drive has an exact copy of the same data.
                          When I went through the first hard drive failure it took almost two weeks to restore all those files, not something I really want to every have to do again.


                          • #28
                            Big Dog,

                            It makes me a bit nervous when I see statements like, "Main hard drive has a folder called "Designs" included in this folder are subfolders "Customer files" "My files" "Designs by catagory" "Designs by company", the external drive has an exact copy of the same data.". In your case you are backing this up on an external harddrive, which is good.

                            But, when the Melco software is installed, it installs a folder on the harddrive called "Designs". If items are added to this folder, regardless whether or not they are in sub folders, they can be lost if the software has to be reloaded or it gets corrupted, a clean un-install is preformed or an Upgrade is purchased.

                            It would be better to create a folder, separate and apart, from Melco's Design folder, on the hard drive like "My Designs", etc......

                            Rod Springer
                            Amay Tech & Trainer
                            Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


                            • #29
                              I understand what your saying DO NOT USE THE MELCO DIRECTORY "DESIGNS" FOLDER.
                              How ever using a folder named "Designs" anywhere else such as on the C drive. Is fine and will not present any problems. Just back it up.

                              And with that said,
                              People that have upgraded to V 9

                              Melco in the disalution of Melco mart "without notice" did something good they gave us all the premium alphabets they had a legle right too. There Are no aplhabets for sale any longer from melco.

                              The reason I bring this up is that I for one (and you may want to follow suit) have backed up the folder Crogram files/melco/
                              & Crogram files/melco embroidery systems/
                              IN these folders contain all the files you have from melco. Including the Alphabet files and design derectory.
                              The reason to do this is that IF in future release melco chooses to remove some alphabets or change them you have a copy that you can restore.

                              One of the alphabets they removed was one I had purchased. the Disc had bee damaged and I could not get it back that way. but I went to my back up and moved it in to the new directory and all is good.

                              I am sorry I no longer trust melco to do things in the consumers best intrest.

                              NOT After the no notice Melco Mart closuer last year.
                              [email protected]
                              Jerome in Minnesota


                              • #30
                                Big Dog,
                                Is what Rod is telling you is that Melco's designs are in a folder under C Drive that is called "Designs". It is not in a Melco file called "Designs"---it is directly under C Drive.
                                Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117

