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computer and Melco

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  • computer and Melco

    I'm having trouble .
    I have DSpro+ and two old MelcosEMC10 and EMC1.
    They were comunicating last week today they are not. When I turn on Melco instead of getting the powerup I get EPBIOS & UNIT NUMBER.

    I checked the power and it is at 5.1 on the EMCs
    I have a trouble shooting sheet . It tells me to make sure machine is enabled . where do I do that?
    and /or
    Then to configure. How do I do this with the new software?

    We have had loads of thunderstorms here but I leave the machines unplugged and the computer is on a super surge protector.


  • #2

    If memory serves me correct in the ENS under where you enable the etherner or Lan. I know my EMT's need the Ethernet enabled and I think the EMC's need the StarLan. Then you pick PCI or ISA depending on the board you are using. Not sure about computer requirements and what not but if it was running before should just be a matter of enableing the LAN and choosing the correct options there.
    Aaron Sargent<br />Pegboard<br />541-727-1440


    • #3
      Just to make sure we are on the same page the ENS is the Embroidery Network System software that comes with design shop that is needed to run the EMT and EMC machines. I assume you have that loaded on your computer and open. My EMT's won't start up without that or a boot disk in the drive.
      Aaron Sargent<br />Pegboard<br />541-727-1440


      • #4
        I have the ENS installed. I usually turn it on 1st then turn on the EMCs.
        i went to tools-properties-configure.
        It has StarLan enabled checked PCI has dot in circle Ethernet not checked. i did also try it with a dote in ISA
        I sure wish they would start talking to each other . There is nothing worse than quiet arguments.
        Oh and the computer is not hooked up to the internet.


        • #5
          A computer person suggested I reinstall ENS program. What does anyone think?
          Will this dump my designes? (I do back up)


          • #6
            A computer person suggested I reinstall ENS program. What does anyone think?
            Will this dump my designes? (I do back up)


            • #7
              ENS has nothing to do with the designs so you can reinstall that one. Design shop is the one for your designs and you should be able to re-install that as well without mlosing them but I would back them up before just in case.
              Aaron Sargent<br />Pegboard<br />541-727-1440


              • #8
                Here is an update on my problem.
                I was working with Melco on the phone. Computer working.
                Both EMC 10 and EMC 1 are doing Disk Bio .unit number. Phone person has me reconfigure . Then we go into computer to reseat PCI card. Then we go to restart computer. It is dead. So computer off to get fixed. (It was still under warrenty whew )
                Machine still won't work so I get a new PCI card . Hear a whole lot of I have not heard of PCI cards failing . (30 day warrenty) anyway $400.
                Install that and now I have 1 machine working EMC1.
                This is about 1 month down.
                Thanks for listening
                Any ideas?


                • #9
                  Hugo is an EMC expert, his number is 301-471-3157.

