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Balboa Designs

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  • Balboa Designs

    I've heard several of you mention you use the Balboa designs and they sew out beautiful.

    I bought the entire package awhile back as did many others, and received a disc with a dos files directory and a taj files directory.

    I've tried to load designs from both formats to OS and sew them out, and they look terrible. They are so bad it's hard to even tell what the design is. I wrote Lee about this and ask Cynthia Tisby (back when I bought the disc) and neither seem to understand why.

    So I'm looking to this group for help/guidance. Can anyone tell me what they do to sew the designs out on an AMAYA XT. Do I need a different format?

    The pictures in the catalog are beautiful and I'd really like to be able to use them.

    Thanks so much,

  • #2
    For any of the designs you want to sew out, go to, search for the item number, then print out the color chart. Their realistic dog designs are the best!

    Barb in Broomfield, CO
    Barbara Bunker<br />BMB Custom Embroidery<br />Broomfield, Colorado


    • #3
      I don't know what could be the issue. I do have Amaya XT's with DS Pro+ I have sewn many of her dogs & horses with no issues. They are amazing.
      When I put the cd in I already have Design Shop open, I find the design, right click to "open with" design shop, then save as my own description along with their ref#, when it saves it automatically saves it as an ofm.
      I don't know if this is something you already have done, but I hope it to be of some help.



      • #4
        I've tried it both ways opening in Design shop and re saving and loading directly to OS. Which format do you use?


        • #5
          Mine came in the dos format and I remember calling them and saying that I didn't request it in that format, but they said that is what I needed for the AMAYA, etc. and it did always work. I think you should call her back and say that you have tried doing what all others did without success and could it possibly be something having to do with the CD. Ask if you can exchange it for another to at least see if that is the problem, so you can move forward.


          • #6
            Actually, the first disc I got was unreadable and she sent me a 2nd one. I will try the dos format and see if that works better, I've been using the tajima format. Although I believe I tried both in the past.

            Thanks so much for your response.

