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Items Wanted

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  • Items Wanted

    I just bought my new Amaya XT last week and I am waiting for it to arrive. I was wondering if anyone has hoops, threads or any other stuff they would want to sell.

  • #2
    We're starting to clean out stuff...and I had bought the full 288 spool 'set' of thread colors. We haven't even unwrapped over 170 of them-and probably another 50 were only used for one job.
    Missing spools would all be your 'basic' stock colors you would have in full large spools anyways.
    I'd sell all the unwrapped and barely used spools for $1.00 each plus UPS...and we have somehow ended up with extra, brand new 'oil' bottles-the narrow plastic one with the extended tip for routine maintenance. More than we will ever use in a couple years. Whatever Melcomart price is I'll take 15% less than that. I have 2, maybe 3 spares. Have to check on those.


    • #3
      Where did you buy the set from so I can go and check out the colors to see which ones I want. Thank you.


      • #4
        The 'set' is listed in Melcomart catalog...but I want to sell ALL the unused ones-not have to pick out particular colors. You never know what colors you are going to use-but it's been 3 years now and we've got everything matched to our customers so we don't need the others any more-I need the space.
        Doing a bass fish for a local tournament used 4 shades of green alone...but there's still plenty of colors no one has ever called for so it's time to clean them out.

