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  • Ebay

    I have an idea for some custom embroidered items and I thought about using ebay. I have never sold anything there and I am curious if anyone out there has used ebay as a distribution outlet and if it has been successful. Any ideas and/or suggestions for selling items on ebay would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    One Stitch @ A Time

  • #2
    Let me know if you tried selling on ebay.

    Viv in Las Vegas
    Viv Yost <br />V-Embroidery<br />Denton, Texas


    • #3
      Randi & Viv:

      I started out selling on Ebay a couple of things I did was checked out my competition on that item I wanted to sell to see what others were doing and tried to do mine a little different. There are alot of people that sell embroidery and anything that will set you and your items apart from all the rest will make you more successful.
      One thing is offer free shipping yes free. Just add your shipping into your item and let them know shipping is included. People love to see the free shipping and will tend to buy from those that offer it more then those that don't.
      Another place that is up and coming to sell is Etsy which is mainly hand made items and some people are starting to sell embroidered items on that site as well.
      I don't use Ebay anymore as my actual website is keeping me going now but will use Ebay for clearing out old inventory now and then.
      Good Luck!
      Tina K.<br />Embroidery Gals<br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a> <br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


      • #4

        Thanks for the advice. Offering free shipping sounds like a good idea.
        Viv Yost <br />V-Embroidery<br />Denton, Texas


        • #5
          Randim and V
          I have used ebay to sell my discontinued pet carriers. Ebay is wonderful for exposure, but you should take care with your product. While you get excellent exposure and you can make your website visable, so is your product.
          I learned fast that our TRADEMARKED/PATTENTED product was a target for knockoffs. We were contacted by buyers in China no doubt to get a sample to use for a pattern. Ebay monitors for copyright infringements but has no way to actually stop thieft.
          If you have a product that you think is unique marketing on ebay is something you might want to think about and be clear that it will eventually be only a matter of time before it is no longer your unique idea.
          Super Stitchen by StubbyTails


          • #6
            Thanks, Stubbytails, for the information on ebay monitoring for copyright infringements. These are good tips.
            Viv Yost <br />V-Embroidery<br />Denton, Texas

