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Need a Magic Headwear cap

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  • Need a Magic Headwear cap

    Now that I have posted this in the wrong place, let me try again and get it right. Against my better judgement, I accepted 12 caps by Magic Headwear from a customer for logos and, you guessed it, one is screwed up. I am looking for a replacement for this U-Fit cap in navy. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    I can't help you with a supplier, BUT some advice for future orders-anytime I have 'client supplied' goods to engrave, screen, or embroider-I always specify they have to supply extras-if shirts, 1 of each size. They are told that 'doodoo happens' and I cannot guarantee every item will be perfect but we try. When I order the goods-I always order extras-someone always needs one or two of something I have left over-and that way I can print/sew/engrave to fill the order. From your 'advertising specialty' companies-the Industry Standard is '10-15% Over or Under run'...when you place an order for logo'd goods. Most companies will charge a Premium 'Up' charge for 'exact count' shipment.
    So, do the same for your orders. Get extras-or tell the customer to have extras, 'just in case'.
    It has saved my butt more than once!
    As for your hat...if you can't find the replacement-if you have the time and patience you may be able to remove all the stitching and start over. I've done it several times when we ran out!


    • #3
      This may not help but they sell Magic Brand Headwear.
      [email protected]
      Jerome in Minnesota


      • #4
        You can contact Magic Headwear directly at (888) 869-6777. Their website is:

