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Losing tie offs in PES format

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  • Losing tie offs in PES format

    Hi all, Hope everyone is doing great! I was wondering if anyone here has experienced loss of tie-offs when converting to another format? I digitized a logo for a local company, but they use a Brother 6 needle machine so they requested PES format. They wrote back that tie offs were missing on some of the lettering. Yet when I check the OFM files, they are present, convert to DST, they are there as well. But no matter how many times I convert to PES, I lose the tie off on the last letter if not more. Any ideas? I suggested they use the DST designs I sent along with the PES ones. Doesn't DST keep tie off/trim info, I thought PES did as well? TIA, Edna
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  • #2
    In DS version 9 Pro + when I save to PES version 4 the tie in/off's are lost. I have not tried PES version 6 though. Not sure what the PES versions are up to now but the version number might have something to do with it. I have even tried the 'always' setting and it still loses them.

    I recently purchased Wilcom but haven't learned it yet so I don't know about a comparison with it. Wilcom is enough up to date that it does handle larger designs for jef and a few other formats that have increased hoop sizes in recent years.

    I have Embird and just tested an exp design and it kept all of the jump and stop codes. The instructions say when tie in/off is applied they are automatically inserted with each jump and stop code.

    If your customer has any PEDesign software with their 6 needle machine they might be able to insert the codes using that.

    I am anxious to hear what everyone says about this since I am having the same problem.
    Marcelle Lewis


    • #3
      This is so frustrating, I also am losing them though the "always" setting is on. I wonder also, if this customer knows what is what...I'm supposed to do a mini-class for "the girls" to teach them about stabilizing, hooping, etc. In the meantime, they are churning out products with their logo. Oh Dear. She keeps telling me that there are no tie-offs, even with the DST format, yet I see them in my Viking software. So she is going over the ends of each letter (as if that will help). Maybe she wants to see the actual tie off. I don't believe they have any software since they only do the logo in 2 sizes. So off I go to add manual ties to this design. BTW, how do I see tie offs in the design itself, using DS Pro+? Right now I'm taking it into my Viking software as it shows a green "T" to signify a tie.
      Thanks! Edna
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      • #4
        when you convert a file to another format it normally converts all existing codes to stitches.

        These will not normally show up as the code for the converted software.

        The tie offs are more then likely there just as stitches. after all a tie off is just a few stitches at the end that stitch close together. and are not always noticable.

        They will not be able to be alterered in the converted format, ONLY in the native format "original file".
        [email protected]
        Jerome in Minnesota


        • #5
          Thank you Jerome, it's as I figured. She wants to see the tie offs, I put style 1 on every letter, VBG! It was so strange that those little green "T"s show on the Viking software, I wonder why they even show up, as I didn't expect them to. Go figure, it's not my software of choice, I prefer the DS. I can do in one screen in DS, what the Viking software takes 3-4 different programs (each with it's own screen) to do. But I have to use it occasionally so I can keep up since I teach it.
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          • #6
            I think DS Pro + has us a little spoiled with being able to do so much in one place and so many things just happen automatically. I have some kind of mental block trying to learn Embird because of this very thing. After every single input/change stitches must be re-generated in Embird. Just because you input a column it isn't really a column until generated. It takes such a long time to do such little things in some other digitizing software programs.
            Marcelle Lewis


            • #7
              That is because embird is a stitch based program.
              Design shop is a object based software with the ability to edit both stitch based (expanded files) and object files (condenced files).

              Object files resize much better then stitched base.
              [email protected]
              Jerome in Minnesota


              • #8
                Thank you so much for posting that. Not sure it will help me any learning Embird though but hopefully it will. Another good reason for me to like DS best.
                Marcelle Lewis


                • #9

                  What type is Wilcom in comparison to DS and Embird? I forgot to ask you about that one. in my previous post.

                  I have a file digitized using Wilcom and when I tried resizing it the decorative fill in one object was lost. I also tried it in Embird which also lost it. Both programs changed it to a plain fill.
                  Marcelle Lewis


                  • #10
                    Most decrotive fills are in the native file format and the Stitch file s it converts to stitches.
                    When you edit it in any other program it changes it to wire frame object and the program fills will be lost. But you can re create them in the new software if it has the ability to use program fills.
                    Wilcom is like DS just with its own file format.

                    You may be able to go back to the digitizer and request they resize it for you.
                    [email protected]
                    Jerome in Minnesota

