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Machine with a Mind OF IT'S OWN

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  • Machine with a Mind OF IT'S OWN

    What would cause a machine to not hold thread feed settings? I can set the lower limit, and after it has sewn a peice, it goes right back to the previous setting. I can put it on standard, and it will change to auto when it starts to sew!! WHAT IS GOING ON??? How frustrating to constantly monitor this bugger. I did not use the "use machine settings" when loading the design. The other 3 machines don't seem to have a problem and they are using the exact same design, loaded exactly the same way. They are holding their settings. ANY IDEAS ANYONE???

  • #2
    Alot of times, after the design runs, the machine changes back to the default while its not running but once you ress go, it will go back to the settings you entered. Have you tried that?


    • #3
      Well, it actually changes from standard to auto as I watch it run. It's hard to know if it's changing the thread feed back to what I set while it's running (although, I have stopped it in the middle of a design and checked it, and it has not returned to my setting) Generally, that is what is causing thread breaks since it will not hold my setting. I've tried restarting the program, restarting the computer, unplugging the ethernet cord and replugging, the force download is set..... It does this strange thing periodically for no apparent reason. The rest of my machines seem to be holding the setting so, yes, it's an odd, but totally frustating thing. Thanks for the comment. Anyone else ever experience this???


      • #4
        I have had the same symptoms

        I hope you find an answer,

        It is very frustrating....
        [email protected]
        Jerome in Minnesota

