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changing 'expanded' files?

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  • changing 'expanded' files?

    Just went to sew out a design we digitized 2 weeks ago, and all except 1 copy (different sizes for hat, apron, etc.) open up in DS 9 as 'expanded' when I click on the stitch tree. I can't check density, make changes, any one know how this happened or if there is a way I can 'unexpand' the file so I can work on it? Even the original file is now 'expanded'.

  • #2
    Did you save them as .ofm files? or did you save them as something else, .dst, .exp, etc etc.....

    Embroidery Digitizing

    T Shirts


    • #3
      All files were saved as .ofm...even the one I recreated now 'expanded'....
      I ended up making changes today as 'new' items and then deleted the expanded other way around it I can see....even files done in DS7 and repopened in DS7 OR DS9 have been converted to expanded!


      • #4
        I had the very same problem that you describe. This only started happening since I downloaded the update to V9, the latest one available(.087. Also noticed when I click on help and bring up the "about" box, the information on the dialogue box that contains all the copywrite information, is not in English but in some form that I cannot even recognize. It almost looks like computer language. What is going on?


        • #5
          Just discovered something in regard to this information. The designs were originally created on my laptop. Those designs are still in .ofm. I saved the designs to a USB stick in .ofm and took the stick and loaded the designs on my desktop computer in my shop. That computer does not have the updated .087. I could not resave the .exp designs to .ofm no matter what I tried. I am very puzzled.

