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Windows 7

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  • Windows 7

    Anybody out there using Windows 7 (RC) with OS 7 ?

    Are they compatible?
    Kip<br />Biddle Embroidery & ScreenPrinting

  • #2
    I had issues with both loading and running DesignShop on Windows 7. I would wait until Melco updates to DesignShop 10??? Or puts out a patch for 9. More than likely it will be 10 and for an upgrade fee of course! My DesignShop 9 runs fine on my Vista and XP machines.


    • #3

      They are testing v. 9 w/ Windows 7 (as am I). I have the latest beta and it runs just fine so far. Havn't come across any show stoppers.

      I don't think this will be a cost upgrade (but then again, I'm not Melco).

      However, I wouldn't reccomend running something you count on for a living on Release Candidate software. Best to wait till the Gold version is out to the public. I have it (it's been released to large corps and MSDN subscibers) and I like 7 a lot.

      John Yaglenski - Webmaster
      Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
      Hilton Head Island, SC


      • #4

        Have you tried OS ver 7 with Windows 7?

        Kip<br />Biddle Embroidery & ScreenPrinting


        • #5
          Version 7 will not work with Vista do I doubt it will work with DS7.


          • #6

            THANKS for the input! I'm building a new computer next month to replace my 6 year old Dell that runs the Amayas and I thought I'd put Windows 7 on it since I love the release candidate. Just want to get all my ducks in a row before I go out and purchase anything.

            Kip<br />Biddle Embroidery & ScreenPrinting


            • #7
              Design shop may run - however because vista and windows 7 use the same network stack, you'll run into the same issues with Windows 7 that you ran into with vista trying to run AOS v. 7. If you are on DS/AOS 7 - you are best sticking with XP to run your machines.
              John Yaglenski
     - Webmaster
              Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
              Hilton Head Island, SC


              • #8
                I've ran XP DS/OS ver 7 for the past six years with hardly any issues, but the computer looks to be going to greener pastures as it takes forever to load Amaya OS and especially to load designs to each machine. Sometimes the computer doesn't even boot at all so its time to replace it. I'm currently running off my laptop with no issues, so there is no real urgency to go out and buy immediately.

                John, you said DS/OS ver 9 works ok with Windows 7? Would you recommend upgrading from ver 7 to ver 9 given my situation?

                Kip<br />Biddle Embroidery & ScreenPrinting


                • #9
                  I'm not a PC person...but I do know that if you don't run 'defrag' every 6 months or so, your computer CAN start to slow down and drag. I am running my original, first ever PC from 12 years ago, with the original Windows on it-with an engraving systems. I run defrag every 6-12 months, and no once had a problem with it. Also, it is NOT hooked to the internet, never has been.
                  The PC we got for Big Red had to be defragged every 6 months, and there is a file in DesignShop you can delete when things slow down or act strange-and it cleans it right up.
                  Another problem that happens to PC's (and Macs) is overloading your hard drive with files-games, photos, useless applications....I have learned if I have less than 25% of my hard drive 'available' something is going to slow down.
                  Keep your computer drives clean and clutter free, don't use them for anything else (since it IS a 'working machine', not household toy) and you shouldn't have too many problems.
                  Also, most PC's I see in use are sitting on the floor under the desk...sucking in dirt, hair, dust, all day long. Open them up, blow and suck out all that garbage, and put them UP ON THE DESK where they belong-they aren't foot rests!
                  Have you ever seen a Mac on the floor? NO...why? Because we think of our Macs as 'desk art'...not floor bumps...LOL...


                  • #10
                    Roland - you hit the nail on the head with the last one! My computer had more dust and other crap in it than I could ever imagine because it does sit on the floor. My computer guru said that it has over heated throughout the years due to poor (or clogged) ventalition causing the issues I have now. He states replacement is the best option.

                    Thanks for the tips!

                    Kip<br />Biddle Embroidery & ScreenPrinting


                    • #11
                      Kip, you may find it less expensive to buy a computer from They are Dell's that have been refurbished but still have the same warranty as a new one. You get at least a one year warranty depending on which model you buy. My current Dell Optiplex was bought from Dell Outlet 2 years ago and I paid $400 for it. It was pretty powerful back then but still runs fine. Just make sure you have at least 2gb ram to handle the Vista/Windows 7 graphics.


                      • #12
                        Typical computer 'gurus'...for a new one!
                        Instead of getting the computer up on a table, a can of 'airblast' and a shop vac.
                        We just paid $750 for a brand new ThinkCentre, couple gigs of ram, I don't know how many gigs of harddrive, newest windows (not Vista) and a 17" acer monitor. Local computer store-last computer they traded similar system for embroidered shirts and jackets.
                        So, no shipping price, they installed all programs, transferred over all my old DS files, artwork, etc., and I get couple years warranty and someone 'on the phone' instantly if I have trouble. Couple blocks away-if (ever) I needed service I'd have a loaner immediately. This makes I think 7 or 8 computers we've bought from them-both sons got laptops for college from them.
                        Shop local-spend local-save a local job!
                        Plus the benefits of 'let me see if this works and what deal I can give you' at no extra charge works every time. We also get to use them as a 'reference' for embroidery customers!
                        What goes around, comes around!
                        Not to knock Dell or someone, but you CAN buy Dell at any Wallyworld now...from the same kid that sold you fries with your burger last month...


                        • #13
                          Roland, in one of your replies you mentioned that there is a file in DesignShop you can delete when things slow down or act strange-and it cleans it right up. I stil have Big Red.
                          Could you tell me which file you delete? I would like to clean up my Amaya PC.



                          • #14
                            Boy am I glad I build my own computers,
                            mine average $300 for an upper midrange systems.
                            So I'm glad I don't have to pay $700 or $800 for one.

                            What I would suggest if yours has seen better days.
                            is go ahead and buy your new system, with Vista, and get your voucher for the free Windows 7 upgrade.
                            then pull your hard drive and replace it with the
                            windows XP drive. (once the covers off its usually 4 screws and 2 plugs.)
                            anyway it will take a little time to download some new drivers for the new hardware, but not much. and you will probably have to reregister your windows XP since it willl detect the new hardware, but its an automated phone call or you can do it online.
                            then all your files are still intact, you can use the reliable XP OS until you are comfortable with the switch to newer version of the Amaya OS and then you can keep your old hard drive in the computer as storage for files once you've added the new drive back in when your ready.
                            Its got a few more little tweaks you'd have to do to add the second drive, but its relatively simple.

                            Just an idea, to get your new PC and not have to convert, since XP is no longer being sold.

                            Good luck no matter what way you decide to go.
                            Ron Vinyard<br />Body Cover Design<br /><br />Grants Pass, Oregon


                            • #15
                              Window 7 has "XP mode" that you'll need to download from the microsoft website. once installed and in that "xp mode", I would think designshop would operate.
                              Are you for Scuba?

