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Amaya OS 7

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  • Amaya OS 7

    Until recently, the shop I work at had EDSIII running our EMC 10. The owner of the shop, Robin, loved that program and one of its features was it would archive everything it sewed on the machine in a file. Well EDSIII is gone now and she was reading (oh yes we were reading the manual) and she found in the manual for the Amaya OS under the Settings Tab a paragraph entitled "Archive Jobs Automatically" Well she say great this is what EDSIII did, well we tried to find it on the machine and its not listed in our Settings Tab, (shows a picture in the book) but that's not the same as our our screen (sorry not at work right now, don't know what version exactly we have, just know its not OS9) Does anyone know if there is a way to have it archive the design it sews, (would be in addition to the files in Design Shop). She always found it helpful when she knew we did something for a customer, way back when, she could always find it in EDS III.


    R&J Screenprinting & Embroidery, Inc.
    West Branch, MI

  • #2

    Go into Tools, Statistical Reports. Set a date range and it will give you everything you need to find a past sewn design.....and a lot more info besides that...

    Rod Springer
    Amaya Tech & Trainer
    Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


    • #3
      Thanks I'll try that when I go to work on Monday


      • #4

        The Auto-Archive feature as designed to keep an exact copy of every design that was sewn on the machine. Very useful for future reference. The feature may have been removed or maybe it was never released. It looks like Melco missed changing the screenshot. Call Melco service and double check if this feature is currently available.

        The Statistical Reports will contain a lot of information about stitches, times, and jobs but will not have a copy of the design file. Useful, but in another way.


        • #5
          Yes we did call Melco and it was removed a while ago, (that's what we get for reading the manual). They said they were getting complaints that it took up too much space on the hard drive (probably when hard drives weren't as cheap as they are now). But the statistical report did tell me what I needed to know the design we tweaked and sewed and Friday, (we didn't save the changes) and when I sewed it on Monday the lettering was smaller, (opps) By looking at the report I realized I had picked the right file and that gave the me the clue that we didn't save.

          Oh well, on to the next project and see if my brain functions properly.


