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V 9 os/amaya question

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  • V 9 os/amaya question

    Those of you that are running v9 with designs created in v7, have you seen any difference as to how the designs sew? Quality? TI/TO? Thread breaks? Efficiency? Etc? What about designs that were not the best "designed" in the first place? What about designs that are keyboard lettering? Small keyboard lettering?


    Embroidery Creations

  • #2

    Melco has changed the AOS to run smoother and quieter in V9. My V7 files are running just fine. I did however have to have my x cables tightened because a few of the machines developed a loud harmonic when sewing fills on the x axis. Tightening the cables to the factory specs solved the problem.

    Steve I.
    Trinity Embroidery
    Steve I.<br />Trinity Emb


    • #3
      Thanks Steve - I'd been hesitant to use the V9 of AOS. Hopefully, my cables won't need tightening (already been done twice during a PMI).



      • #4
        Hello Amaya users, Ran into a problem today with v9. Had some older files, they would not run on v9, lettering was really screwed up. I could open files in os and sew. Shipped file to Melco same thing happened there. They sent it to engineering to get it fixed. Will keep you updated.


        • #5
          Another thing to be aware of is that the alphabets in v7 and v9 are not all the same. If you have a design in vs7 that you want to use in v9 and v9 isn't using that alphabet you can't edit it in v9. It will insert a v9 alphabet. It stitches fine but you will need to do all the editing in v7.
          Wishes In Stitches Embroidery<br />4502 W. Buffalo Street<br />Chandler, Arizona 85226<br />480-216-3163


          • #6
            Would you explain a little more as to the difference in the v7 and v9 alphabets?


            Embroidery Creations


            • #7
              Some of the alphabets in V7 are carried over to V9. Some of them didn't. I don't know how many are in each level of software and I don't know which one they are but if you are going to make changes like density or underlay in a v7 alphabet that isn't in v9 it will change the alphabet. In the alphabet list you will find that each alphabet has a symbol in front of it. The OA ones are at the top of the list. They are the latest and greatest set that have been digitized by one of Melco's engineers. The second set have a FA in front of them. They have been digitized by hand and have been in several versions of software. The last set are TT or true type. They were included to help with the customer who comes in and want a font they used in word on the computer. If I remember right they were auto digitzed and may not be as pristine at the other options. One of the greatest things about the alphabets is the auto density feature in that it changes the underlay with the width of the letter. For those letters that have a thick and thin part the software will adjust and put the correct underlay in the right part. I don't know if that is in all levels however.
              Wishes In Stitches Embroidery<br />4502 W. Buffalo Street<br />Chandler, Arizona 85226<br />480-216-3163


              • #8
                Thanks, Margaret. If I'm understanding correctly, not only may we not edit a certain alphabet but we will not be able to create a new one in v9.



                • #9
                  I don't currently know anything about creating a new alphabet in v9. You could do that in v7 in certain levels so I assume you can still do it in v9.
                  Wishes In Stitches Embroidery<br />4502 W. Buffalo Street<br />Chandler, Arizona 85226<br />480-216-3163

