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loosing fonts

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  • loosing fonts

    I have lost all the EA fonts! Don' have a clue what happened. When I looks in the actual files, they appear to be there, but when I try to use them in DS Pro +, they don't show. Anyone have any ideas about how to get them back?

    Juli in Kona
    Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise

  • #2
    Did you reboot the computer? That will sometimes fix wierd issues.


    • #3
      Yes, just rebooted because I had an update.

      Juli in Kona
      Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


      • #4
        AAha! update reboot...on Amaya or Designshop, or your PC itself?
        If it's your pc update...get rid of it! Unless you had a problem with something not working right, why change it? Our Amaya/Designshop programs are running on the original computer we bought for it over 3 years ago, and except for adding more ram 2 years ago-the 'operating' system (Windows something or over) has NEVER been upgraded. That computer is not hooked to a printer, a network, nothing. Everything works fine-so we leave it alone.
        Same with the PC that runs my engraver-now going on 9 years WITHOUT one single upgrade.
        The PC running my digital printer does hook up to my in-house network system to transfer files from my MAC to it-so there is a window that comes up all the time telling me to upgrade something or other-and I click NO every time. Going on 3 years now-no upgrades! AND not one single glitch. That program costs as much as DesignSHop pro-and just one incompatibility could shut me down for days-I don't know PC's and don't want to. I curl up with a MAC for my graphic work-and transfer to the others by zip disk or direct ethernet!


        • #5
          If your pc is connected to the internet, its imperative you keep it updated. If it NEVER is connected to the net or any computer or network that connects to an outside network... then maybe you dont update it. The fact you were asked to update means you are connected to the net. So, keep it up to date patch wise.
          John Yaglenski
 - Webmaster
          Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
          Hilton Head Island, SC


          • #6
            Well, there your are. Yes, you must update Windows and no don't update,it'll mess things up! So, No what? And, yes, I am connected to the internet and can't really not be because I am on my house network.

            Juli in Kona
            Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


            • #7
              Originally posted by Juli in Kona:
              Well, there your are. Yes, you must update Windows and no don't update,it'll mess things up! So, No what? And, yes, I am connected to the internet and can't really not be because I am on my house network.

              Juli in Kona

              Any computer connected to the internet needs to be patched / updated - even a Mac. I love Roland but in this day and age, you simply cannot leave any connected PC online without patching security holes.

              If I were you, I'd simply install DS Pro + again and see if that fixes the issue.

              John Yaglenski
     - Webmaster
              Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
              Hilton Head Island, SC


              • #8
                That is the worst advice you can give someone. As someone who does network security for a living, you should keep your computers up to date with Windows updates. Microsoft pushes them out every Tuesday and you can check to see if you are up to date by clicking TOOLS &gt; WINDOWS UPDATES in Internet Explorer. I also suggest going to control panel and click security center, then click Automatic updates and make sure Automatic - recommended has the bullett next to it (it should be looking every day for updates even though patches come out on Tuesdays)
                Security updates should be downloaded as soon as they are available.
                Also Anti-virus software is very important as well as a hardware firewall such as Linksys, Netgear, Dlink, etc
                Stay away from software firewalls because trojans can disable those and make them useless.
                As far as Juli's original issue, I agree with uninstall (reboot computer) and reinstall the software


                • #9
                  My comments were for those that do NOT need to have their computer hooked up to the internet, and being in the graphics field for almost 30 years now, and associated with several full service 'print' shops...they ALSO agree...use ONE computer for internet connections...have your others strictly for in-house use, running equipment like I do, etc. and once the program you need to use is working fine-leave it alone! The problem with constant upgrading 'windows' or every time you upgrade your operating system, you are moving the compatibility between your program (Design Shop, Freehand, Vision Pro, Versaworks, whatever) and that operating system a step apart. Remember-your GRAPHIC program was developed at one point in time, to work with the EXISTING operating system AT THAT POINT in computer time. Hence the major malfunctions when everyone tried to run Designshop with Vista...Vista did NOT exist when Designshop was put out, so of course, they did not work together. NOW there are patches and fixes...but if you have a computer that runs your program fine, MY recommendation (and others also) is to get another computer to go online! That way you never have the possibility of a virus, or sytem upgrade that disables your very expensive Designshop (or whatever). IF that program is corrupted or won't work-YOU are out of operation and not making money!
                  If I kept upgrading my macs to keep up with Panther, Leopard, whatever they have for Mac OS now...I would have spent around $10,000 on computers I didn't want. AND I would have had to upgrade my graphic programs-usually $1500 or more EACH. And to top it off-I do a lot of work with older version graphic programs that CANNOT run with even OS 10! If I upgraded one computer to OSX, I'd have to upgrade the cutter driver program to run on that system. IF I update the cutter driver-then the newer program won't run the older cutter-because it isn't supported anymore! So I'd have to buy a new cutter-another $5,000. Yet my cutter isn't even showing wear yet-so why do it?
                  Constant upgrades is a vicious cycle perpetuated by Bill Gates and the computer companies...computers are outdated in 6 months so you have to buy a new one to run the upgrades of the Windows or whatever.
                  Yet Macs...release a new version operating system maybe every year or two? And unless a specific problem shows up-there is NOT a 'weekly upgrade' you have to do.
                  We're also immune to viruses...and I'm still running Macs over 15 years old. Any PC owners that can say that?


                  • #10
                    Roland -

                    I grow weary of the Mac vs. PC talk on here. I love what you bring to the site and the helpful hand you are always ready to lend - but the majority of people here don't use Macs. In my tenure as a mac owner - there were updates on average of one a month. Definately less than windows but there were security holes there too.

                    There are a number of folks here on the list that for whatever reason need to use their computer for both - so Steve's advice is best heeded here.

                    Rarely, do updates within an individual release of windows break features (now major releases - sure - it happens) - but if they do, it's a problem melco is going to have to address anyway - as patches and updates are a normal part of the PC Lifecycle. There's also the availabilty to do a rollback to prior to the update being installed if something REALLY goes wrong.

                    As Design Shop and AOS are designed to run on WINDOWS, not OSX, it's a question that is important to ask and answer.

                    Again - unless you NEVER and I mean NEVER connect to the net, you must run updates - period to remain secure.
                    John Yaglenski
           - Webmaster
                    Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
                    Hilton Head Island, SC


                    • #11
                      OK, so here is the scenario. My desktop computer is plugged (hard wired) into a WIRELESS router. I do most of my digitizing on this computer.

                      Downstairs is the laptop that has a wireless lan. This is the computer that runs the XT. And I have DS on it because I am always tweaking. I also have a hard wire to connect the lan, but don't use it very often because that plug is taken up with the cable to the XT. So, it is either the XT OR the lan.

                      I think I am going to have to disable the wireless lan on the laptop so it will not connect by accident to the internet. This is the computer that I take with me when I go anywhere, like the cruise coming up in Feb. So it is going to be very inconvenient to have the wireless disabled. But this is the problem: How do I get the laptop to get files from the desktop. That would be extremely inconvenient to not be connected.

                      Then I am going to have to revert to before the last update. Maybe I will get away with not having to reinstall my DS. That gets very, very confusing! Because, since I have Live Designer, I have been getting the Betas of 2008 and now 2009 DS. I have a lots of disks, and, believe me, they are not all labeled exactly correctly! What the label says is not always the version of DS on the disk!

                      And to further complicate things, my laptop got two "Critical errors" in 2 days. Not good. So I need to take it in and get my guys to figure out what is happening. I am going to have them do whatever need to be done regarding disabling the wireless and reverting back.

                      So, can anyone think of any scenario better than the one I just outlined?

                      Thanks guys!

                      And - Since almost everyone got the Windows Update (this is for XT) isn't anyone else experiencing loosing the EA fonts? I don't have them on either of my computers or on any of the versions of DS that I have. They have all disappeared!

                      Juli in Kona
                      Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


                      • #12

                        I maybe out in left field but is it possible for you to store all your files on a portable hard drive and take the drive with you on your cruise. Some portable harddrives, such as IOMEGA has 320gb and are so small that it fits in your shirt pocket. You don't need to use the network. Maybe, you can use the ship's PC to only check your emails. Just a thought.
                        Viv Yost <br />V-Embroidery<br />Denton, Texas


                        • #13
                          Well, I could put everything on my little thumb drive. But nothing beats having the actual program. But I'll figure it out.

                          Juli in Kona
                          Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


                          • #14

                            On second thought, using the ship's internet can be pricey! Some ships charge $.75 a minute and you don't always get good connection. I am sure you will come up with better alternatives.

                            Have a good day!
                            Viv Yost <br />V-Embroidery<br />Denton, Texas


                            • #15
                              How do I get the laptop to get files from the desktop

                              Get the IP address of the computer you are connecting to. You can get the IP address by clicking Start &gt; Run &gt; type in CMD and click OK. Then type in IPCONFIG and hit enter
                              (I'm going to use as an example)
                              Go to any computer on your LAN and go to Start &gt; Run &gt; type in \\\C$ (assuming C is your hard drive)
                              This will open a window that looks like my computer, just navigate to the folder and files you want. You will be able to drag those files to the computer you are on by opening a my computer window. Use you right mouse button to drag the files and use the copy option. The left mouse button by default just moves the files.

