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iMac and Design Shop 2006

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  • #16
    I installed XP using Apples Boot Camp and it works just fine (plus its free).



    • #17
      Just an update on our running Amaya OS and Design Shop on a Mac Mini CD2 2.0...

      I abandoned Fusion for now. Windows XP does run much better on Fusion than Parallels. I am running Parallels now and everything works great. I do prefer Fusion to Parallels as stated before however they need to work on some features involving devices connected through the ethernet.

      Olive Kid, thanks about Bootcamp, I do however want my system to run as a Mac. The sight of the windows desktop reminds me of all the hours lost chasing down missing DLL files.

      The really nice part of using an Apple Computer to run everything... Design Shop and the OS are the only programs running in Windows. Everything else we use is on the OS X side. Windows will not even connect to the internet. Those sensitive DLL files will have a chance of not being over written.

      I guess I just wrote all this to say Fusion is nice but you need to do some coding by hand to get Windows to recognize the Amaya Xt. Parallels works with just a little bumbling around. On a new Mac Mini CD2.

      Cool stuff indeed
      Now where did they say the power button was?


      • #18
        I finally have an iMac. WOO HOO! Parallels is installed but I have not installed XP yet. I'm a big chicken I guess. The Amaya OS will continue to run on the PC laptop.

        One reason/excuse I have not installed XP is the the virus issue. So am I reading correctly
        Windows will not even connect to the internet.
        that Windows will not connect to the internet?



        • #19
          That is correct. We've been using the DS Pro+ and AMAYA OS through bootcamp for several months now and have NEVER connected to the internet on the WINDOWS side. Mac side you're fine.

          Good luck!

          Margie & Jay

