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issues with sew out

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  • issues with sew out

    I am stitiching a design on polo shirts that has an outline around the design. The first two stitched out perfect. Then the outline started stitching above the thread inside of it so there is a little gap. If there is anyone checking posts now (Sunday night 9pm est) I can email pictures of the sew outs. Since the first two were fine, I'm guessing its something wrong with the machine and not the design file. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  • #2
    I will Look at them
    But I would say it may have been a hooping Issue.

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Jerome in Minnesota


    • #3
      Thanks Jerome. I got ahold of the digitizer who said to slow the speed down from 850 to 600 which worked. But now I'm having the same issue happen with the cap file for the same logo. I will email you the picture.


      • #4
        Working on caps with an outline is a recipe for heartburn...because you are now sewing a fine detail that has to line up correctly on an object moving in 3 dimensions while the substrate (the hat) is bouncing up and down or moving around. Virtually impossible to hit a moving target exactly!
        So hooping the hat perfectly with a STIFF backing large (long) enough get gripped on both sides by the grabber teeth on the frame. Then you want that design to start from bottom up, center out. Have your design reset so that as soon as an area is sewn that needs the outline it does the outline next...not later on in the sewout. You want to get that outline sewn down even if it is one letter at a time or one piece of the design at a time while the hat is in the right position. As soon as the Amaya moves on to another section-that hat has moved and can easily shift out of position. Like playing pin the tail on the jackrabbit...
        I have a design for boy scout logo-and the shirts it does the main design and then outline with no problem-on hats I have the design set so it does part of the design, then that outline (satin stitch) then the next part, outline, and so on and it comes out fine. All fill areas overlap about 6 stitches at least-so if there is any shifting you don't notice it and the outline is always on the edge-with a 50% overlap for position. Rule of thumb-a shirt design won't work on hats-redigitize it...but a hat design will work on shirts and look great. Nature of the beastie...

