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Tie Offs Not Working All The Time

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  • Tie Offs Not Working All The Time

    Lately I've noticed that when I'm sewing out a design or lettering my machine is missing the tie-offs. The machine try's to do the tie off but for what ever reason it comes loose. I've tried to change from default number 1 to number 5 and the problem still happens.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you,

  • #2
    Yes, I have a similar problem with my XT. Sewed out 50,000 stitches at 1200spm and had 3 instances in 27 colour changes.

    Like you, I await some suggestions.



    • #3
      MY "default" for t/i & t/o's is #3 at 3 stitches. I haven't had any trouble with this combination. Hope you will have success with it as well.


      • #4
        I've tired the adjustments but no luck. Does anyone else have any suggestions?


        • #5
          Inspect, clean, & oil the mechanism- is the knife dull? Mine are 2 years old, and all CUT just fine, they just misfire sometimes. You gotta understand Amayas are not just embroidery machines; they are computer controlled & driven, and there are MANY adjustments that take place in milliseconds, so I try to be forgiving if something fails to happen when it should or happens when it shouldn't. The first thing I try to do when one of mine is "acting-up" is to try and remember-What changed? Did I change settings & forget to change them when I changed material?, although I rarely mess with trimer settings in OS- try to take care of that in DS first. But, anyway, if you can find out when this started happening exactly, it can be helpful in moving forward with diagnosis, adjustment, and maybe repair.


          • #6
            What version of OS are you using? I had the same issue -- loose tie-offs. It happened after I updated to the most recent version of OS 10.01.001. The phone tech tried to convince me that it must be my machine because he hadn't heard of this problem. One thing he told me to look at in OS is under Tools, Design Filter -- he said the "Optimize Locks" should be UNchecked. So after trying everything else and almost arranging for a service visit, I went in and CHECKED Optimize Locks and now I have tight tie-offs again!!! (NOTE: that's the only thing I changed, so it has to be that.) So maybe try it, if it doesn't work for you, you can always uncheck it again. I hope this can help someone -- this problem drove me insane for months!
            Thanks!<br />MJ, Everything Embroidered

