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off colour index

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  • off colour index

    i'm new to this board so i apologize for what i know is a re-post!! i have been searching and tried some things but can't seem to get things working!!

    from reading past posts...i guess i have a "big red"! ha-ha it stopped in between needles while doing a colour-change. by shutting down and re-starting the needle is now physically in the right position but when i try to work it says i'm not at heads up. when i try to do a heads up it says it can't because "colour change stepper index error---off index while sewing". i tried going under "steppers" and clicking "home" under the colour change column but it wouldn't do that either.

    any help/tips would be greatly appreciated!!

  • #2
    Big Reds have electronic 'eye' sensors on either side of the needle head, behind the needle bar.
    They get covered with lint and dust, and give the machine an error message. XT's don't have this.
    Get a can of airblaster with the tube, and look behind the needle carriage, under the 'rail' that it slides on. On each side give that area a good blasting and if you are lucky you can see the sensor-I could never get my head around enough to see it-but just a good overall blasting did it. That cleans the sensor off. Then you should be able to restart and the needle should go up and back where it belongs and you can start over. If you haven't moved anything it should continue sewing in the same place.
    Hopes this helps!


    • #3
      thanks so much signman!! i managed to get it going and was able to get a few jobs finished (and got rid of the angry mob outside my door!) but it only works for a short time and then will stop during a color change. i shut it down, blast with air...sometimes it takes 2 or 3 times...but can get it working again for a bit. am i just not getting all the dust off entirely or does it sound like a motor or something is pooched?


      • #4
        There is more cleaning that can be done in there with a q tip, very carefully...sounds like you have a clog of lint and oil that is stuck. If you have a tech coming over, ask him/her to do a good cleaning, otherwise see if you can find the 'manual' that is on the computer I believe there is illustrations that show exactly where it is. Usually if you can get the tip of the tube right on it the gunk is blasted right off. At least you got it to work and narrowed down the problem area!
        Good luck...glad it doesn't happen with the XT, we got tired of having to blast it all the time.


        • #5
          Signman is correct, the color change index sensor is your problem. Although it is critical to blast the sensor directly. Blindly blasting air behind the needle case will only waste air. What you need to do is perform the 2,000,000 stitch maintenance, this procedure will tell you what to do and show pictures indicating where to blast the sensor. You need to do it while the machine is still able to. The sensors could get dirty enough that it wont walk you through the sequence. If that happens you need to do it manually. To do the maintenance go to settings and then timers, click on the step button next to the 2,000,000 and follow the instructions carefully, the last steps in this sequense are the sensors. If you need to you can zoom in on the pictures for a better view. Blast the sensors well and from every angle you can, it requires a direct shot to clean sufficiently.

          Good luck
          StringNet Technical Services LLC<br />Your Technical Safety Net


          • #6
            thnak you thank you everyone!!! i will try this tonight. *fingers crossed*


            • #7
     im not having as much luck now getting it to work long enough for me to do the maintenance. can i do the manual cleaning or does it have to be done by a tech?


              • #8
                Go back up to StringNEt (Brian, great guy) instructions, you do not have to wait for the 'timers' you can go in to settings and override it, just start the sequence.
                Sometimes just running hats with a lousy buckram backing creates so much dust you have to do this as soon as you finish the do NOT hurt anything by doing extra maintainence!


                • #9
                  thanks guys...i went to maintenance and clicked the 2,000,000 timmer but won't go through the sequence, says isn't at heads up and i can't do heads up 'cause it says it's off colour index! please tell me i'm not oast!


                  • #10
                    oh man...just noticed the time! i'm off to (the other) work and will check when i get back.


                    • #11
                      I have a comment on what you recently posted...
                      Depending on which maintenance we're talking about, sometimes more is not always a good thing.
                      With respect to the 2,000,000 maintenance timer...
                      It prompts you to put 24 drops of oil. If you put too much more than what's recommended, then the excess oil has no where to go and then it drips down the inside and can very possibly get all over the sensor that is currently plaguing Sewing Queen.
                      Just thought I'd mention that.

                      Sewing Queen,
                      What can disrupt this sensor's performance is either dust, oil, or both. (Provided the sensor is otherwise functioning correctly.)
                      This debris can also be found not only in the sensor but also on the small plastic pieces that ride through the sensor. Chances are you can clean this yourself but if you haven't had a tech service your machine in the last year, you really should consider making an appointment. Not only would you get this area clean but other sensors would be cleaned and checked as well as the entire machine.
                      I just did a routine maintenance on a customer's machine which is two months away from it's warranty expiration. I found that the main motor was showing signs of a faulty bearing. After the warranty expires, the customer would have had to spend around $850 for the motor plus labor to have this repaired.
                      Don't pinch your dollars to save pennies. The price you charge your customers should also include enough funds for a tech to service your machine at least once a year.
                      Also, only Amaya OS software prior to 2006 is going to prompt you to blow air across this sensor during the maintenance timers. If you are running an older machine with newer software, you will not be reminded to do this at all. This would be explained to you by your local tech.

                      Best of luck to you,
                      Ed Orantes
                      -The Embroidery Authority-<br /><br />\"Turning your Problems into Production.\"<br />Ed Orantes<br />504-258-6260

