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XT Thread flap

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  • XT Thread flap

    Greeting to all my new friends!

    Do any of you ever notice the thread flapping erratically between the thread break sensor and the needle eye? It doesn't affect the stitch out that I can tell but it just doesn't look right. It is not happening all of the time but I haven't been able to
    nail down any certain conditions when it does. I have 2 XT's and I see it happen on both at times. It also happens on different thread stations as well.
    Thanks for your help!

  • #2
    Yes, the thread does appear very loose at times. I believe this to be a combination of the Auto-acti-feed system and designs. I would say that it is design specific....that is....wide columns, long stitches and the speed the design is being sewn at will exhibit this trait more often. Running the bobbin a bit tighter or going into "Settings" and "Thread Feed" and adjusting the setting on column width and/or run/fill will tighten things up a bit....

    We all want the Auto-acti-feed system to do all the work for us as far as the material thickness is concerned, but sometimes with some lettering, designs and thin materials, sewing on the "Standard" setting is just better...

    Rod Springer
    Melco Amaya Tech & Trainer
    Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


    • #3
      Thanks Rod
      I have been running acti-feed on standard all of the time. A Melco trainer told me not to trust Auto setting. I haven't had time to compare the 2 yet so I stayed with standard and set my thickness manually.
      Can you give me any pointers on this issue?


      • #4
        Auto-Acti-feed has been an evolving thing. Don't be afraid to try it . Trainers and tech's must be careful in how we impart information to Amaya users. Just because "a trainer" told you something at some time, it does not mean that it will always be that way. Things change pretty rapidly in this businedd at times....Auto was having some teething problems in the early stages, but Melco has come a long way with it, mostly with software changes. I have an older Amaya and an XT and the Auto is working very well on both of them.

        When working with Standard, remember that each level of material thickness is about the thickness of a piece of typing paper. For two layers of medium weight backing an MT of 3 is usually about right....learn how to use "Settings by Color" in OS. It allows you to customize each needle to different speeds, MT's, column width, run/fill, etc, and it allows you to select which needles you want to be running on Standard and which you want to be running on Auto....applies to newer sofeware releases.
        Rod Springer
        Melco Tech & trainer
        Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


        • #5
          Thanks so much! I am learning so much from this site.

