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Are you kidding me?

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  • Are you kidding me?

    So...I think my machine doesn't like certain last name. I already embroider 9 of this bags, same design, different last names. This is the last one and my machine REFUSES to embroider the last name. Everytime I try to open the file OS crashes. I already embroider all the design, so I just have to do the last name, I am using Athletic block, I tried restarting the computer, the machine, changing the name of the file, make a new file, use a file that I alredy embroider, everything. She is not a fool, if the file has "CHAUNCY" in it, it just crashes. I cannot fool it, anyone has any idea why this is happening? Is it just an attitude problem? Do I take her to therapy?
    Jazmin from Mexico in San Antonio <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>

  • #2
    Therapy. Now that's an idea.
    But... can you open any file without the OS crashing now? If not, you may have to clean out a file folder, but I can't remember which one and I'm not at my computer.
    Mary Buckle, Charlotte, NC


    • #3
      I can open ANY other file that doesn't involve what I need now, the CHAUNCY last name.
      Jazmin from Mexico in San Antonio <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


      • #4
        Have you tried to locate the file through windows
        explorer and copy it somewhere else, then change the name? try something simple without the word "chauncy" in it.

        Like "test" and see if it can be opened if so then rename it in the OS to something that you can find again later and delete the original file.
        Ron Vinyard<br />Body Cover Design<br /><br />Grants Pass, Oregon


        • #5
          My Bad I didn't see the original post that had said you tried that already. have you tried to save in a different location as well? you may have to clear out the file cache in the Amaya OS

          Maybe try to create the file and add a second line or character, with a color change. save with a new name
          and then if it will open and sew. stop the machine after it ties off and starts towards the new color change. at least you can finish the job if it will work...
          Ron Vinyard<br />Body Cover Design<br /><br />Grants Pass, Oregon


          • #6
            Well, I tried that too. I think the issue is with the Athletic font and the combination of those letters. Isn't that absolutely odd? And I thought I was weird! I can write Chaunce, Chaun, Chachacha (ha!) but no Chauncy, not in Athletic font.
            Jazmin from Mexico in San Antonio <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


            • #7
              I didn't see if you had Design shop but I am wondering if you converted it to an .EXP file then it would no longer be a font but merely stitches if it would let it work?

              That really is an odd problem!!
              Good Luck! Be interesting to see if anyone
              else can duplicate it and come up with the same issue.
              Ron Vinyard<br />Body Cover Design<br /><br />Grants Pass, Oregon


              • #8
                Ron, you saved the day!

                BUT let me tell you what happened before that: I wrote the word CHAUN, opened in OS, it didn't crash! I stitched it, then I wrote CY, tried to open it in OS to complete the name, IT CRASHED AGAIN! So, she has an attitude, she would just refuse to embroider that name.
                Converting it to an EXP file saved the day!!! (I had no idea about that)
                RON THANKS!
                oh and BTW I love people from OREGON!
                I wish someone could figure out why it didn't work with that font and that combination of letters.
                Jazmin from Mexico in San Antonio <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                • #9
                  Jazmin from Mexico in San Antonio <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


                  • #10
                    This is interesting. I digitize in Wilcom, not Design Shop, but just this last week I've been having the exact same problem as Jazmin. I'll save all my files(different names/same design) as DST's on Computer A, then access each file as usual from the Amaya OS on Computer B in the production room. All of them run fine, but one keeps crashing OS as soon as I try to load the design. If I move the design to Computer B's desktop, then load it from there, it opens fine. I thought this was just a small one-time thing, but no.... it just happened again today with a different design. Very strange! This hasn't happened in the last few years, why this all of a sudden started happening, I'm not sure. The only difference we can see is that we changed Computer A over to Windows 7 in December, but not Computer B (which is still running XP and the Amaya OS9) Any thoughts from you guys is welcome!

