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Loud snap with color change

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  • Loud snap with color change

    I know this has been discussed before, but I'm terrible with searches so I can't find the solution.
    I'm getting the loud pop/snap noise when the needlecase moves from color to color.
    I went into maintenance, but the dialog seems unfamilar (V9). Could someone refresh my memory on the fix for this?
    Mary Buckle, Charlotte, NC

  • #2
    We have had that a couple times on Big Red, and just once on the new XT...Sue says (she's the fixit person) your needle head has 'jumped a cog' on the 'track' inside there. You have to find the color change index sensor (in Maintenance) and move the head manually (carefully!) until the 'window' says 'open' in the window.
    Someone had 'nudged' the head or walked into it and pushed it off center.
    Suggestion is first call your handy tech person and ask them to walk you through the 'easy' way to reset it-there is something else that can be done but I can't remember it.


    • #3
      I called service and they stepped me through a quick fix. I'll take a closer look in the morning to be sure there isn't a bigger problem with the gear.
      Mary Buckle, Charlotte, NC


      • #4
        Here's the easy fix...was just looking for something else and this popped up in our notes.
        not sure if it still works in OS 9 but this is from 2007 notes..
        go to each needle one at a time, and hit the 'laser button' and the UP arrow at the same time.
        After doing all the needles, it should get them aligned again-use the 'needle move' buttons to go from one end to the other and see. This is the 'easy' fix-if it doesn't work-call your tech!


        • #5
          That's what we did today, I think, using the maintenance dialog.
          We did maintenance >steppers, then
          clicked on "home" in the last column ("thread feed", I think), then color changed up and down doing the same thing for every needle.
          The tech said to check the gear to see if it's cracked, but I could NOT figure out how to remove the cover. I've emailed the tech for more help.
          I'm "done to a turn" for the day. Back at it in the morning.
          Mary Buckle, Charlotte, NC


          • #6
            The timing on this couldn't have been more perfect! I had this snapping consistently Wednesday so I called it a day. Then I saw the post...stepped thru the process last night and woohoo! Ran perfect again.

            Thanks for posting the problem and resolution.

