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  • SLIM LINE 4.5x4.5 SQUARE

    Just received the Slim Line 4.5 x 4.5 frame. Installed on Amaya XT. Hooped tee-shirt. Chose a design size 3.02 x 2.52 so it fits in the hoop. In my Amaya settings, I set the hoop up for the Slim Line hoop. Send design to Amaya. When I trace design, it moves outside the hoop area without an error message. I move the laser to a center point and trace, and even though it appears to stay within the defined hoop area, I get an out of hoop error. ???

  • #2
    Before you do anything to destroy your needle head...
    try this. Go to design shop, and set it so you can 'view hoop' and set the hoop for the slim line.
    hummmm, 4.5 x 4.5? That's a new size to me...not familar with it.
    Anyways, back to design shop- once you can 'see' the hoop outline,
    just make a box or oval to fit in there at least 1/2" inside your edge. Set it to dead center horizontal and vertical.
    Send this to Amaya, and in amaya, see how it lines up.
    Center hoop, and also center design...since you know it started out in Design shop on center, it should be pretty darn close to center unless your 'hoop' is way off center.
    Now try a trace and see how it looks. If this one is okay, no edge error, go back and double check your tee shirt design to see if it is starting 'on center'. And, if you have to rotate a design to fit in a hoop and on the shirt, you still have to make sure it isn't past the hoop limit.
    If it still says error, don't try anything else...get ahold of a tech!


    • #3
      Thanks. Actually, I shut down DS and OS and restarted. My screen looked different somehow and I wanted to get back to a familiar screen. Somehow, I was in Amaya Settings that was not related to the hoop setting in OS. I still can't figure out where I was, but in any event I'm back on track and it works just the way it's supposed to. I'm sure it's just beginner's error on my part. Sure wish I knew where I was before when it wasn't taking the hoop instruction as defined. It had a folder adding hoops and color setup. And it looked like a shorter version of the menu I usually see in OS on the right side, except it was missing the reset design icon at the top.


      • #4
        What you were in is a barebones Amaya 'design' program or something-Sue manages to get into it every once in awhile but now
        she recognizes it and will get out. I think you can do some limited basic lettering and design work in there? But it is like a third thumb..not worth having around.
        I'm not sure how it opens up or why but once in awhile...there you are!


        • #5
          Yes, that sounds exactly like it. Does anyone know how to exit out of there or how one gets in there in the first place?


          • #6
            I have a job in house for 12 duffel bags with the design on the end. I managed to hoop it with the 15cm round hoop - once! I am struggling to to hoop the second bag. I am not liking this at all because I know that the hoop is going to pop off. Been thinking about getting the Slimline system and maybe this is a good time to get it.

            My question is: can the Slimline hoop the end circle of the duffel bag? There is already a screen printed design on the front so the emb has to go somewhere else.
            Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


            • #7
              without seeing the bag, I'd have to give you a 'maybe'? on that one.
              There is no room for 'excess material' beyond the 'window frame' as they call it-so unless the zipper goes all the way to the end of the bag you may not be able to use a clamp.
              To help use a round hoop, wrap adhesive backing strips around the hoop parts, like taping a tennis racquet handle. This give the smooth plastic a 'grip' against the nylon bag. Once you get the hoop on, reach under and tighten the screw as much as you can by finger touch-don't use a tool or you'll snap it.
              If the bag material is flexible enough, also use some of the black 'wedge' paper clamps around the hoop from the outside-gripping top and bottom (fold the material under to do it) but make sure the clamps won't hit the needle bar!
              This should hold it enough to stay in place while sewing.


              • #8
                The zipper does go to the very end, but it is that big plastic type zipper. Got a little bulk there.

                I have some of that tape. I'll try wrapping the hoop.


                Juli in Kona
                Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


                • #9
                  I do duffel bags that are 12"wide and about 24" long. I use the large slimline 8x8 and 9x9 windows for very large designs on the end of each bag. They are for the local HS School Marching Band. If doing bags, the Slimline is a must. I never even have thread breaks

                  Good Luck

