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selector error

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  • selector error

    hello -

    what is a "selector stepper index error - not index while sewing" ?

    stops and have to press to start - seems to stitch ok but i'm concerned that something is wrong
    Thank You,<br />Donna<br />Zbest Embroidery

  • #2
    There are sensors on different parts of the machine and they have a certain amount of time to sense that the machine has done what it is meant to.

    The Selector has one of these sensors and the machine had stopped just for verification that all is ok from you and that nothing was jammed stopping the selector from returning back to it's 'home' position before starting again.

    If this has only happened once, then I would not worry.

    If this is happening on a regular basis, I would ensure that the sensor is clean, maybe a little bit of lint on sensor, just by blowing across it.
    David Anderson<br />Keband Australasia


    • #3
      hello David,

      Thank you for your response and help

      Where is the sensor located - how do i find to clean?
      Thank You,<br />Donna<br />Zbest Embroidery


      • #4
        the only sensor for the selector is located on the selector motor cam it is located under the back cover of the Amaya. the Lower back cover.
        it is un likely it is in need of cleaning but you can check an blow it out if needed.
        [email protected]
        Jerome in Minnesota


        • #5
          I have been having this problem with a brand new XT. I sopoke to my local tech and he said it is a very common error with the new amayas. it has to do with the cutter type. they changed the cutters and the new software is set for the new cutters but the machine has the old cutter. he said it can be adjusted. the guys at melco claim it only happens on less than 1% of the machines and sent be a ne beta version of the amaya os to solve the problem. i installed it and the error goes away but the cutter still isnt functioning correctly. it "snaps" the thread causing me to have to rethread every time. very annoying. i have another email into the melco tech to see what he sayd and i will keep you posted!!!


          • #6
            I have the seme problem, can we change the cutter to the newer one, maybe this can help

            where can i buy this

            Ivan Ramos


            • #7
              Melco has got a new cutter in Beta testing. It has not been released yet. If you find out any more about it, I, for one, would sure like to know.

              Juli in Kona
              Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


              • #8
                My cutter snaps the threads also, pops up through the thread bar. Very annoying. I did not get an answer from Melco Service when I emailed.
                Sharp Threads
                Almont, MI

