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Rust on Z Shaft

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  • Rust on Z Shaft

    While giving my Amaya XT's there bi-annual detailing, I noticed some rust build up on the Z shaft. Anyone else have this? Is it normal??
    Kip<br />Biddle Embroidery & ScreenPrinting

  • #2
    Merriam Webster says that rust is a coating formed on iron especially when chemically attacked by moist air. Which leads me to ask if you have your equipment in a climate controlled area.
    If not, this could happen and if it's just cosmetic surface rust, then no need to worry unless it's building fast. I'd be concerned that you might have problems down the road if this continues. I had to replace a bearing the other day that had lost all it's internal grease and was taken over by rust. Although this machine was about 12 years old.

    In short, rust is not common on these machines.
    Ed Orantes
    Melco Tech & Trainer
    -The Embroidery Authority-<br /><br />\"Turning your Problems into Production.\"<br />Ed Orantes<br />504-258-6260


    • #3
      Merriam Webster?????

      Ed - you are really dating yourself, my friend. It's Google or Wikipedia nowadays, buddy.

      Tom Dauria<br />Mr. Sew & Sew


      • #4
        Rust on the Z axis may also be caused from contact with the bare hand. Quite often we rotate the Z-axis shaft by hand . I would put a lite coat of oil on this shaft after cleaning it as best you can to prevent further rusting. The Y rails also need to be observed for any sign of rusting and oiled periodically.......
        Rod Springer
        Amaya Tech & Trainer
        Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


        • #5
          Rod - - You Are the Man! That is exactly the answer. I have three XT's and two have the rust the third doesn't. Because the two have been 'disconnected from system' in the middle of a design a few months ago, I needed to rotate the Z-axis shaft by hand before turning the machine back on. On closer inspection, the rust 'pattern' happens to be the size of my right paw! Go Figure!!!

          Thanks for the replies - and Ed, don't feel bad, I have a Merriam Webster link on my desktop to their website!!
          Kip<br />Biddle Embroidery & ScreenPrinting


          • #6
            I tried dating myself back in college... It didn't work out - I broke up with myself.

            Dude, Wash your hands.

            Again, I bow at thee feet.

            -The Embroidery Authority-<br /><br />\"Turning your Problems into Production.\"<br />Ed Orantes<br />504-258-6260

