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Sad loss of our dear friend, Dick Beauregard

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  • Sad loss of our dear friend, Dick Beauregard

    Rod and I are sharing with the group the loss of our very close friend and fellow Melco tech, Dick Beauregard. Dick had a massive heart attack Friday night and passed away.

    There is a website where you may view his obituary, etc.

    We know several of you have used Squeegee Print for contract embroidery and screenprinting so have a working relationship with Pat and Dick.

    If any of you wish to send flowers, the nearby florist shop is The Blossom Shop in Colebrook, NH 603-237-4469.

    We just wanted to share the information.

    Rod & Sharon Springer
    Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117

  • #2
    Our tech Brian was here all day yesterday and got a phone call about Dick in the afternoon-we couldn't believe it!
    Dick was the first Melco tech we met-helped us get our amaya up and running and a couple times bailed us out of trouble with it over the phone instantly. He and Pat also did work for us in bulk and we have stopped at their place up in Canaan every time we pass through. We will both miss him greatly and had been looking forward to seeing him again this spring on our next trip.
    What else can I say? He was first and foremost a 'people person' and went out of his way to help us and others.
    We will definitely let Pat know our condolences.
    Roland and Susan Irish


    • #3
      I looked at the link Rod, and thank you for posting it! I was going to email you today to see what you might know.
      Since the funeral was yesterday it's too late for flowers but I would have donated to the scholarship set up with the Kiwanis anyways, so we'll do that immediately.
      Thanks again for posting and our thoughts are for you and your wife as his friends and his wife and family for their help and good thoughts getting us up and going with our business.

      Roland and Susan Irish

