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Machine breaking needles and throwing bobbin

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  • Machine breaking needles and throwing bobbin

    We have been sewing no problem with our machine. Well, last night out of no where one of the needles breaks. Then after we replaced it the machine started making a strange sound and then bent another needle. At one point it even threw the bobbin case out of the machine. Do I try to fix this myself or do I request a tech to come fix it????

    Saraland, Al.

  • #2
    A suggestion would be to closely inspect the bboin case...the spring clip that locks the bobbin case onto the spindle shaft may have failed or it wasn't snapped in all the way...

    You have not provided enough information for anyone to really be able to diagnoise the problem with any certainty.

    The rotary hook may be out of time and/or slipped on the shaft, the retaining support finger that holds the rotary hook basket may have come loose allowing the needle to be striking the free floating basket......flats or caps? Standard Amaya or XT Amaya

    When asking for help for something like this, there cannot be to much information supplied...the more the better.

    It could be simple, but it could also be serious in nature. If a tech is near your area, this may be the best way to go...

    Rod Springer
    Amaya Tech & Trainer
    Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


    • #3
      Here's several things to go over...
      if you were sewing on a hat, or thick heavy material and it shifted, that pulls the needle to one side and it will hit (and break or bend) on the needle plate. This may also move the needle plate off a bit-and the next needle will then hit it and move the tip of the needle-hitting the rotary hook or something else-causing the bobbin to move.
      Or, your bobbin was not 'clicked in' and it finally shifted-as the needle came down to grab thread-breaking the nedle and making horrible sounds. Yes, I bet everyone of us has at some time not put a bobbin in and made sure it 'clicked' to lock in.
      Take your needle plate off-do a complete cleaning and check the whole thing-see if you can find the tip of the needle, and look for needle mark (scratch, gouge, something) on the rotary hook.
      Blow out, clean out, oil-get a new bobbin holder and reload.
      Put the plate back on, do a 'head down' with a needle to make sure it is lined up correct-and try a simple test run or even manually (with everything TURNED OFF) by turning the rod under the housing-and see if the needle goes up and down, rotary hook turns, etc. If it seems to run right, then do a very simple sewout with just a small line or letter. If you get the noise and problems-time for a tech. If it runs fine-then it was probably one of the problems above.
      IF you find ANY pieces of metal besides the broken needle tip, or if you see damage to the rotary hook...time for a tech.
      Good luck, and hope it is just a simple fix.


      • #4
        Thanks for the help. You guys are great.

        Heather Williams
        Embroidery Solutions

