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Temperature of work area for XTs

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  • Temperature of work area for XTs

    Due to the ongoing threat of flooding in the basement, we have moved my two XTs upstairs. However, I really don't have a good spare room for them. We just redid an enclosed porch but it has no heat. I'm opening the windows between the porch and the dining room to have some of the house heat go out there. The porch would be ideal for doing embroidery work except for the temperature issue. My question is, what is the temperature range that is acceptable for the XTs? Then I can figure out what else I can do to supplement the heat. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    How about a Ceramic electric heater. There are ones that use little ( about a buck a day ) electricty to run. They are quiet, and some models have a humidifier built in them if you have humidity issues.

    I use one myself along with a big buddy propane heater for really cold days. Of course my machine is located in a partitioned part of my garage.


    • #3
      Thanks, I will look into those. I think I'll call the Melco HQ next week to see if they have high/low temperature guidelines.


      • #4
        Just an FYI, and not a recommendation, but
        the 4 big reds we run have been being used in a large
        concrete facility that has little or no heat,that being said we live in a pretty mild climate compared to some. Ours work in a range from 110 in the summer to mid 30's in the winter. and really show no signs of problems as far as the machines go. Summer you may notice a need to oil more often, and certain little things. But the biggest issue would be the humidity on the thread. That isn't controlled either but we live also in a pretty neutral climate for humidity as well.
        Just to tell you that the machines can take a little fluctuation on temp. Is it the best way?
        Probably not but it has been working for us.

        Ron Vinyard<br />Body Cover Design<br /><br />Grants Pass, Oregon


        • #5
          Ron, thank you for your reply. That's the type of information I'm looking for. I can probably keep the temperature no lower than 50 degrees when they are not being used without an extra heater, and I can turn the space heater on when I'm working.

