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Design Shop Demo Interference

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  • Design Shop Demo Interference

    We are the new owners of an Amaya XT.

    However, we had serious problems when changing the size of the embroidery on the screen in Design Shop Pro, which included freezing of a blank screen on top of the changed field, multiple task bars, etc.

    Originally we thought that our McAfee was causing the problems, so we shut off all the firewall and virus protections. However, that did not completely solve the problem.

    Sometimes collapsing the window and opening it again helped, but it wasn't until I remembered that there was a prompt on the loading of the software for Design Shop Pro that stated that the 'Demo' might cause problems with the program. Originally we did not load that 'Demo', but did so after all the other programs were loaded.

    During our training with Cynthia Tisby, we tried unmounting the 'Demo' and found that appeared to be the solution to our problems.

    I haven't run this by tech support yet.

    Hope this helps.

  • #2
    Suggest uninstalling the demo (if it's still on there), uninstalling Design Shop / AOS - rebooting and then doing a reinstall.

    I am sure you have also been told it's best to run Design Shop / AOS on a dedicated computer.

    Lastly, I wouldn't run long without a firewall or Anti-Virus if this computer is connected to the internet.

    Good Luck.
    John Yaglenski - Webmaster
    Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
    Hilton Head Island, SC


    • #3
      Thanks so much.
      We uninstalled, and left the demo off the computer altogether. Ours is a dedicated computer, but we've experienced other problems which now seem to arise from our HD monitor driver and are working with Melco and Dell to rectify.

      Thanks again.

