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Z- Axis error?

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  • Z- Axis error?

    I was sewing on a martial arts belt with Metallic thread and was having major problems with thread breaks. Then, all of a sudden I got a Z-axis error and the needle head was down. The machine went to head up fine when I told it to; but now when I try to sew again, it Z-axis errored again. I'm afraid to keep trying...anything I should do?

  • #2
    I had a z-axis tracking error yesterday.The technical support man told me to hit the emegency shut off button, then turn the machine back on. Everything worked as it should. Hope that helps.


    • #3
      I've had that happen too and was told the same thing... also, on another day, the same machine seemed to just die. No power. Wouldn't restart. Tech and I tried several different options and it turned out that the emergency button was again the culprit. This info may help you down the line . . . it took us a couple of hours to figure out.


      • #4
        I did the whole emergency stop thing and everything seemed fine, however as soon as I tried to sew again it errored again. Everything is fine now - I did a rotary hook maintenence, spun the hook a few times and sewed out some straight letters. But, I was wondering if anyone knows what causes a Z-axis error so that I can avoid this in the future?


        • #5
          How often to you get the Z Axis Timing Error?
          Melco Certified Amaya Tech


          • #6
            THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH!! this wasnt my problem-until today-i got the error too-i went and did all the things you all wrote and as i sit here my machine is humming away!!!! i cant believe it-i was going to wait until tomarrow and call the tech support and now i dont have to!!!! thanks to everyone who had input and to Heathertma for asking!!!!

