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Problems with numbers in fonts

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  • Problems with numbers in fonts

    This afternoon I went out to embroider my granddaughters name and date of birth on a quilt top. When I went to put the date: October 3, 2012 or 10-3-2012 or any other form of this I was unable to do it with any of the fonts. Each one I tried kept telling me that this was not available in this lettering/font. I have never had this problem before so I came in and got Don to go out and see what the problem was. Same thing happened to him no matter which font we tried. Finally we re-installed the software thinking maybe some glich was keeping it from working right. Same thing happened again and we are unable to use any of the numbers in any of the fonts. I really need this fixed and we are at a loss as to why this is happening and how to fix it. I tried to look it up ia our handbooks we got with the machine but was unable to find any where in there with this problem. Thanks in advance for any help to solve this problem. Until next time...Jenny

    Westbrook Wonders
    Jenny<br />Westbrook Wonders<br />Wetumpka, AL 36093<br />334-567-3867<br />[email protected]

  • #2
    is it telling you
    this "2" is not available
    or this"@" is not available?

    It may be that your shift key on your keyboard is stuck.
    and your Number lock key is not on.

    just a thought
    [email protected]
    Jerome in Minnesota


    • #3
      It not only did it on the numbers but some of the letters too. Don checked the number key lot and it was ok. This only happened when we tried to do a new design. We could copy old ones and just changed the letters and numbers but we were unable to do a new file. We will try it this morning to see if some how my magic it fixed itself last night. Thanks for any help since we really need this fixed soon. Until next time...Jenny
      Jenny<br />Westbrook Wonders<br />Wetumpka, AL 36093<br />334-567-3867<br />[email protected]

