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Hooping sleeves

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  • Hooping sleeves

    Am I the last kid on the block to figure this one out? I had to do a word on hems on short sleeved work shirts. I don't have a hooping device, just a table. I was getting frustrated that the sleeve wouldn't hold its shape while I whacked it into place in my 4" hoop I needed something to hold it taut. I finally figured out that I could take the outer rings on the 7 or 8 inch hoops and put those in to hold the sleeve taut, put the 4 inch hoop inside of that and align and hoop, then wiggle the larger hoop back out. Worked like a champ!

  • #2
    Ok I have never thought of that so no, you are not the last one to figure it out. Thank you for sharing.
    Cindy in Phoenix

