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Name placement

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  • Name placement

    Have a jacket that I am putting logo on left chest and names on the right chest. For employees

    Now for the owner they have me Putting A large Design on the Jacket back, no logo on the front.

    Should the Name Go on the Left or right??
    These Jackets for the boss are NOT the same Style as employee's

    [email protected]
    Jerome in Minnesota

  • #2
    I always make the end user decide. I print out the name and position it, then take photos -- one left and one right. They can't blame you when they are the one making the choice.

    GENERALLY, when there is only one thing going on the front (a name or a logo) I find it usually goes on the left.


    • #3
      I was leaning that way,

      This is on of those "You Decide Customers"
      I would rather have them be exact in their needs.

      But that is a perfect world..

      Thanks I just wanted another point of view.

      I really appreciate this group and all the willing to help members.

      You all are great!!
      [email protected]
      Jerome in Minnesota


      • #4
        I have a very similar customer - boss wanted a different style font for her name. She accepted my idea to put both business name and employer name on left side, and I gave her 2 choices of font for her name, sewn out at 1.5cm.

        I do find it best to restrict choice of fonts to clients who have no idea. I call it the 'Henry Ford' choice. Other clients clearly know what they want, and may or may not need guidance re letter height suitability, and the Amaya has a marvellous tool for advising min. and max. heights for any font.

        Judy is spot-on re photos.


        • #5
          I take photos too. Something you may want to consider in this case is do you think the owner will come back later and want the logo on the front? If so you might want to go ahead with his name on the right or at least give them that scenario to think about.
          Dianne<br />My Favorite Things

