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Too many white spaces!

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  • Too many white spaces!

    I had a logo digitized by a digitizing service. it's a shape (fill) and then there's a border (satin stitch) around it. On the border, mostly on one side of it, it looks like the border lost it's shape and too many white spaces, like jagged edges. Can't really explain it and don't know how to post a pic on here. But I have gone around and around with the digitizing service, only to get no improvements on edits. Not to mention the small text in the fill looks horrible. I don't recall having this much trouble with a design from a digitizing svc. I don't know if I should check my settings or if the young man is just being a smart a** but he says I can "make it better by the thread settings of my machine"
    Any input?
    Two Bit Embroidery

  • #2
    Sounds like they buggered up the density and underlay on the satin stitch of the border and the lettering and either a) don't know how to change it or b) can't be bothered to admit they made a mistake.


    • #3
      You may have to just change that section to wireframe, combine the sections it creates and redigitize that part yourself to correct the design. The last few designs I used a digitizing service for had so many layers of stitches on top of each other the designs were almost bullet proof.

      For photos we can all view go to and create an account. You can then upload photos there that you can link to in a message here. There may be other free services like that as well.
      Marcelle Lewis

