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too dense of design, i think!

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  • too dense of design, i think!

    I have a design that has been supplied to me from my customer for hats. I think the design is too dense because I'm having a bagillion thread breaks! ok maybe not that many but plenty to make me cuss!! I've been on here reading for an hour and trying things but I think it boils down to being to dense for its size I'm wondering what to do? I still have about 2 1/2 dozen to go of a hundred!! Any help?
    thank you!
    [email protected]<br />Samme Engelson

  • #2
    Take out some stitches if you are sure.
    How many stitches?
    What is the size of the design?
    These caps, have you used these caps before?
    Could be caps, design, needle or etc.


    • #3
      Send me your design and I'll fix it for you. No Charge. [email protected]
      Chris & Cindy


      • #4
        Don't dismay- we have soutions in here. See what Chris can do & go from there. Stay calm for now & we will help you adapt this design.


        • #5
          I offered the same two days ago in a privet message got no responce.
          [email protected]
          Jerome in Minnesota


          • #6
            Hey guys! Jerome I am sorry I have not recieved the private message...honest I'm not trying to ignore my messages!! I am not faithful about getting on the forum yet but I'm gettin better!! So what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry and thank you so much for being willing to help me before I go into hair pulling fits!!!
            [email protected]<br />Samme Engelson


            • #7
              Question is, how did the caps turn out?
              What was wrong with the design?


              • #8
                the caps look pretty good when they are done but just have a few too many thread breaks that get frustrating! i think that it is digitized with too many layers of thread on top of each other. But that is a guesstamation(making my own words now!!) since I'm not much into digitizing yet! But that's what the customer sent me so I'm doing it, thread breaks and all and almost done. Have a great day!
                [email protected]<br />Samme Engelson


                • #9
                  Yes, thread breaks can drive you nuts at times. Even if you have a good design, good cap and needles it just happens sometimes.
                  This morning I was doing 48 caps (front and back) and when sewing the backs on the first two dozen I was having thread breaks. Went to lunch, humidity got better and when I started on the last ones everything went smooth.


                  • #10
                    I came in on Sunday and they went a lot better so that tells me what?!!! I think my machine just likes to have me near it at all times and all to itself!!!hahahaha
                    [email protected]<br />Samme Engelson


                    • #11
                      When I get a design like this, I use the scale tab&gt;scale factors (down at the bottom), and decrease the fills/colums by about 10% in the areas of the design that are driving me nuts. Took some time to begin to "master" doing this, but I'm getting pretty good at that. I have such volume, that I cannot do all of my designs myself, so I have a fella in NC help me, and he digitizes everything for knit for me, and I generally have to modify them to run them on anything else. Hope this helps.


                      • #12
                        Gregory..thank you for the tip I will start trying this!! Have a great day!
                        [email protected]<br />Samme Engelson

