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  • Digitizers

    Please don't blast me if this isn't the appropriate forum for this BUT: I believe a good digitizer can actually save your business and certainly your hair. I have finialy found a good one and I will share--Sam Liskey @ ACN Digitizing. When he digitizes a logo for me I know it will sew like a dream and that saves me many hours of fiddling. He has helped me after hours to meet deadlines, helped with designs that weren't even his own. He may not be the cheapest but he is quality. As a bonus he is a Certified Melco Technician and this comes in handy sometimes. His number is 714-774-4248
    Debbie in Arizona

  • #2
    I do appreciate the information, Thanks Debbie.
    Jazmin from Mexico in San Antonio <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>


    • #3
      Debbie- you are correct on 2 points- a good digitizer is hard to find and develop a working relationship with, much less one that will help you work in deadlines- definitely keep him. But, why aren't you doing your own designs?


      • #4
        I can answer that Gregory for myself - time to value proposition. I can hire an expert digitizer with years of experience for $35-60 a design (left chest) or I can fiddle with it myself for hours upon hours. I'd personally rather spend my time in production and only have to gently tweak a finished design where I see room for improvement. That being said, I do basic stuff myself that I can knock out quickly but leave more complex stuff for the experts. Works great for our business and my customers get great looking apparel as a result. If I had more hours in the day, I'd do more myself... but the darn customers just keep coming! [img]smile.gif[/img]
        John Yaglenski - Webmaster
        Levelbest Embroidery - Owner
        Hilton Head Island, SC


        • #5
          Touche- I do the exact same thing!


          • #6
            I love to digitize, but I have one major problem, my lets call him my husband, just can't seem to leave me alone when I am near my computer.

            I will soon be putting up a web site with pay-pal.

            One day hope to be recognized as one of the better digitizers.

            Still working on getting my amaya, just might have to leave husband to get it.

            Sandy in Costa Rica
            Paradise can have it\'s draw-backs.

