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Outline Text on Visors

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  • Outline Text on Visors

    I have a large order of visors with outlined text. Can't seem to get the outline matched up. They have a previous visor with the same outlined visors so I know it is doable. Any ideas to keep things steady?

  • #2
    Don't assume the previous order was stitched directly to finished 'could' have been done overseas as flat goods before assembly!
    Otherwise...separate your lettering so it sews out one letter at a time...letter/outline, then next letter/outline. Will take longer but it won't be shifting out of alignment. I've had to do this on hats at times, and also on shirts or sweats that had a problem with puckering that would pull the material out of alignment.


    • #3
      When it comes to outlining letters on visors, you will want to outline each letter one at a time. Certainly this will contribute to a great number of color changes but this is the only way to ensure the visor isn't moving on you while sewing.
      Sew a letter,
      Sew a boarder (outline),
      Sew the next letter,
      -The Embroidery Authority-<br /><br />\"Turning your Problems into Production.\"<br />Ed Orantes<br />504-258-6260


      • #4
        What Ed said, and be sure to stitch from the center out.

        [ April 28, 2010, 06:04 PM: Message edited by: gcannon ]


        • #5

          CENTER OUT



          • #6
            Just curious,
            I always see where they say sew from the center out.
            I never sew from the center out. Do others have problems when NOT sewing from the center out?


            • #7
              I used to do either, but generally I get a nicer looking finished product when I do center out, and now it is just habit...



              • #8
                Wayne- center out is, generally, only very important on caps- on flats (shirts, bags) it is not as crucial a factor.


                • #9

                  Don and I have been sewing caps for a few years now and we have never had a problem and we don't sew from center out...guess we should since a lot of folks do but if it ain't broke we try not to fix it...if we ever start having a problem with it or a design I guess we will start...we have done it a time or two just to see but we couldn't tell any difference in the sewout...


                  Westbrook Wonders
                  Jenny<br />Westbrook Wonders<br />Wetumpka, AL 36093<br />334-567-3867<br />[email protected]


                  • #10
                    Make that 18 years for me.
                    I have no problems with caps by not sewing from the center out.
                    Could be the way caps are hooped, the machine or just pure old luck.
                    (I would say talent but I have little.)


                    • #11
                      Jenny & Wayne- you are wise to count your blessings; others of us have had much more trouble when doing caps. But, I must say that we may be doing more intricate designs or you two are really blessed. Either way, I'm happy for you both.


                      • #12
                        OK, anyone been doing 3-d foam on hats? Got any pointers for digitizing, and machine settings? I'm close but just not there yet...
                        Gabi<br />Gabi Kat Embroidery Emporium<br />Tucson, AZ


                        • #13
                          It helps to digitize a tack down stitch for the puffy foam. Right up the center is fine, but rather long stitches. This is to be done first just after you lay the foam down. That way it stays where it is supposed to. And the density need to be awfully heavy - about .2 or so. And, of course, the foam is the last thing done. So if there is an outline for the foam parts, they go down first and then the foam on top.
                          Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


                          • #14
                            I will say January we had to do a jacket for a customer to cover up where a name had been taken off the jacket before she bought it
                            ...she got a deal on the jacket because of this...the material was such that we had to sew it from the center out due to the fact that the fabric would have bunched up too did we know this...not until after we started sewing the design and after 800 stitches we realized that this wasn't working...Don went back in and put a lot of underlay in all directions and we also sewed it from center out and it turned out great and the customer loved it and never knew we had to take 800 stitches out and redesign and redo it...another lesson learned on that job...

                            Westbrook Wonders
                            Jenny<br />Westbrook Wonders<br />Wetumpka, AL 36093<br />334-567-3867<br />[email protected]

