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  • Tshirts

    My customer has a 4" square design that's about 11,000 stitches. He wants his design to go on Tshirts. he wants the back to be a large screen printing logo. He's thinking he wants the front left chest to be embroidered. I'm thinking the left chest is not a good idea to embroider simply because it's such a big design with a lot of stitches. I'm thinking it should be screen printed as well as the back.
    What are your opinions?
    Two Bit Embroidery

  • #2
    On a t-shirt?!!! My customers are crazy,too. And.... I have succeeded when I thought I would fail. (Amayas are great!)
    Test first before committing to the embroidery. How heavy are the t-shirts? Does the design sew well? Can any part of the design be eliminated for the chest design?
    So many variables.... I would test. And negotiate. And charge accordingly. Good luck.
    Mary Buckle, Charlotte, NC


    • #3
      Just the front embroidery is going to cost him more than you charge for the unless he really wants a heavier weight shirt, or has money to spend...this is one case of 'what does the customer really want to pay'?
      I've talked MANY customers out of embroidery on teeshirts simply because the shirts are so cheap.
      But there is always that one guy that just has to have DO NOT give it away, charge for it just like you would on any other shirt. But see if you can cut that design down, reduce density, use optical illusions instead of full sewing, whatever you can's going to pucker like crazy!


      • #4
        Sewing that many stitches on a t-shirt is NOT fun, as mentioned already, you can talk MOST out of it, but there will eb that one guy!!
        make sure you have the heaviest tee you can and do a sample (even washing and drying it) and showing him how it looks...

        How many shirts are you doing ans what is his reasoning for not screening both back and front??
        Did you explain the cost would be MUCH less to NOT stitch it out? Did you/are you doing the digitizing as well?? Yet another cost to him?

        Good Luck and let us know how it goes



        • #5
          I agree with you all. I've decided to have the job completely screen printed. I know from experience how difficult Tshirts can be anyway, so I'll save myself the headaches and let him know how nice it will look with screen printing.
          I'm glad it's a customer who trusts my judgment!
          Thanks for the reassurance!
          Two Bit Embroidery

