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  • Baffled

    Help me out, please?
    I've run across something I've never experienced before and I'm lost trying to figure out the cause and the fix for it.
    I digitized a lettering design using Embird(haven't learned Design Shop yet). The letters were done manually by tracing the shape of each letter and filled with a column stitch. The on screen perview looks fine, I saved the design as an EXP format, watched it stitch in the sewing simulator with it set to stop at each jump or trim, and no problems, everything looks perfectly normal.
    I brought the design into Design Shop, converted it to OFM, det the hoop size and sent it to OS.
    Loaded the design to the machine and, Hmm, something is very wrong, mostly with the underlay.
    The design starts stitching with a normal walk stitch, runs for 20 stitches or so jumps about 12 stitches forward and stops with a bobbin break message. No break, and I have to back the machine up to the last stitch actually stitches and restart the machine. This annoying sequence repeats itself every 20 stitches or so, until the underlay is finished on the letter, then it stitches the column stitch without trouble. Repeat for each of the letters in the design.
    It's absoulutely maddening. I was able to get the design finished with a lot of hair pulling, and a bit of cussing, but I've never seen anything like this happen before. It almost seems as if the is a jump/stop in the stitching that doesn't show up in either the Embird or Design Shop software.
    If anybody is willing to look at the design please let me know.

  • #2
    Big Dog,

    Just for fun I would like to take a look-see. Send it to [email protected]

    One question tho....I understand the Embird and saving as an EXP, but why did you convert this to an OFM ? Did you use the "Convert Object to Wireframe" tool during this process? The Amaya OS will read EXP file formats just fine. Please send both the files, the original EXP and also the one you converted to OFM, for comparison......

    Rod Springer
    Amaya Tech & Trainer
    Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


    • #3
      How wide are your columns? Embird will not place stitches on a column too wide. I don't know what that number is, but on the screen it looks like missing lines. That might be your problem. Send me your design and I'll see what I can do with it in DS.

      What version of OS do you have?

      Juli in Kona [email protected]
      Juli in Kona<br />Stitches in Paradise


      • #4
        Rod, I didn't convert the format per se, just let the software read it and save it with the OFM format.
        I'll send copies of both to you and Juli.
        I'm guessing that Juli is onto something with column width, although the actual column stitches formed fine with no gaps, nice density. Oddly it's the walk stitch underlay that seemed to be the problem stitching it.

        Oops DS and OS are both version 7.00.018

        [ December 20, 2009, 05:01 PM: Message edited by: Big Dog ]

