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  • Digitizing

    I have a question. I just digitized some font. I have it in the satin stitch. My question is, what do you do to get the stitch to flow around the letter. For example an S. I think there is a command to make it follow the curve but I cannot remember what it is.
    It is a small design and I am trying to do this myself rather than bear the expense of sending it out.
    Thank you for your help!
    Pam Pittman<br />Cross Thread Embroidery

  • #2
    When digitizing use a right click to make it curve (it shows up as a circle instead of a triangle.) It will then follow the curve.


    • #3
      Yes, I did do that. But the satin stitches all goes one direction so when it goes around the curve it is long. I want it to follow the letters curve. Not sure if I am stating what it is exactly what I am needing.
      Thank you for your reply and help.
      Pam Pittman<br />Cross Thread Embroidery


      • #4
        you need to do the S as a 'column' (I couldn't tell you which of the two 'column' types without DS open, but one of them you have the ability to add extra points (as curve or straight) and also to move the points. The satin fill will follow that column instead of trying to 'fill the area'.
        Make sense?
        If you did it as a 'line' instead of an 'area' it would also 'follow' the line around the curves.


        • #5
          Depending on the software level you have, you can use a Column 1, Column 2 or Complex Column tool. If you use the Column 1 tool which is what I use the most, then you MUST digitize to keep the connectors as "straight" as possible across the column at all points. If you let the connectors lean, the stitches will lean and be longer also. You also need to look up and learn how to use the "Stitch Editing Tool".

          If you use the Complex Column tool then just trace around the letter , enter an entry & exit point and the computer will "auto digitize" the letter with it's own style.....sometimes very good and sometimes....not so good....

          Column 2 may be a bit more involved for the beginner to understand, so I would stick to the other two for the time being.

          Rod Springer
          Amaya Tech & Trainer
          Certified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117


          • #6
            It is also able to be done as a complex fill.
            very easily by making your shape then selecting it and inserting all the stitch angles you need.
            It is even easier then using the column 1 , 2 or complex.
            [email protected]
            Jerome in Minnesota

