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I need a logo for my business

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  • I need a logo for my business

    I started my business in Dec 2007, Designs by Di. I've put the cart before the horse and have done work for friends and family, but I still don't have my own logo. Does anyone recommend a company who designs them, or is there a way I can do it myself. I want a pretty basic design:
    Designs by Di with an embroidery needle slanted in front and threaded with the tail of the thread stitching out the name. Any advice would greatly be appreciated.

    Di<br />Designs by Di

  • #2
    Go through your Treasure Chest of Dakota designs and see if there is something similar to what you want in there for needle and thread, delete all the unwanted parts and then add your lettering around it. You distort and resize your 'logo' lettering if you do one letter at a time easily.
    Or, sketch out your design and scan it in and digitize it.
    I've been in this building we bought 11 years now..STILL don't have a sign-and I do signs for a living! the embroidery is pretty much a huge paperweight-sometimes it sits for weeks without getting used.
    Not a very profitable side of the business but it has been used to keep customers from going somewhere else, or turned embroidery customers into sign and screenprinting customers.


    • #3

      Whats your E-mail address and what version of Design SHop you have? I will send you a few logos I made for me and you can use the needles and/or spool of thread. I have a nice textured thread spool that looks pretty good.

      It took me about 9 years of being in business to make up a logo for my business and even then I still to this day do not have my logo on anything I own. I have only used it for putting on things I sponsor or donate.
      Aaron Sargent<br />Pegboard<br />541-727-1440


      • #4
        Hi Di -

        I started my business more than 2 years ago and only a few months back designed a logo I was happy with.

        I can tell you two things - 1) Not having an official logo didn't ever stop me from getting noticed or getting any business in my opinion and 2) Only a handful of people (10%??) have noticed the logo since I began using it.

        My company name is Mr. Sew & Sew and I had a friend that does graphics design as a hobby design me a simple script name and change the S in each word to a needle and thread for the straight line.

        I sewed it one one shirt to wear to a show I was doing at a local school and I don't think anybody noticed it.

        Just my thoughts - if you want to take a look at my logo, send me your email and I will forward it privately.

        Tom Dauria<br />Mr. Sew & Sew


        • #5
          Thank you Aaron and Tom, I figured it all out and you are both probably right about the logo's probably not as important as I think.

          Designs by Di
          Di<br />Designs by Di


          • #6
            Di, IMHO, (been waiting to say that, that's text stuff if you are not aware, I wasn't).

            This is Your buisness, your image. The 1st impression you make on someone you do not know. If they see the really good stuff, you got them.
            Herb<br />Royal Embroidery


            • #7
              I agree with Herb...I designed a simple logo and embroidered it on jackets for my husband and I. We wear them everywhere we go. People are always coming up and asking about our jackets and we of course hand out business cards with our contact information. It is cheap advertising for your business and it shows you take pride in your work and are willing to wear it.



              • #8
                Well here's the deal, when I first started my business in Nov (I know I said Dec, but I meant Nov) I was focusing on baby and kid items. So I paid a lady to make my logo, which is really cute, but it is geared toward baby/kid items. But then in Dec when my husband convinced me to buy the Amaya XT I realized my business would also include more non-kid businesses for caps, polos etc. and I didn't want to be handing out business cards like that to those companies. So that's why I thought I'd change my logo since I haven't printed it on anything. I just didn't want to have to pay anyone again.

                I definitely want to have my logo finalized before handing out business cards and I also agree with wearing my own stuff.

                Thanks to all for your responses, it's nice getting other opinions and advice.

                Di<br />Designs by Di

