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  • Looping

    Hello everyone. I am having a problem when sewing any design with lettering. My lettering sometimes never comes out tight and crisp. I get little loops sticking out or loose threads. This happen sporadically. I have a job coming up with Dickie tpe nylon jackets I have sewn the design 4 times on a similar like garment. First problem is the looping is areas of the lettering. The second problem is the thin straight line outline that is in the design. Each side of the rectangle stitch a different thickness. On the down stitch its wider than when it goes back up on the other side. Top and bottom are very close. Any suggestions?

    Problem #3
    I have two machines and with the same settings each machine sew differently. Each machine has its own personality as I call it. I can sew a design on each machine and they will look different. I also get several more thread breaks on the one machine. I just did 100 runs on the machines. Machine 1 had 10 breaks and machine 2 had 98. Same presser foot and bobbin settings. I just dont understand.

  • #2
    First of all, recognize that each machine will have it's own personality. Just like two kids that come from the same parents.
    Each machine has it's own bobbin spool, bobbin case, needle condition, thread feed roller condition, etc... What you should strive for is for each machine to be set where they sew their best.
    Looping can be caused by a number of incorrect factors. The easiest that come to mind are bobbin tension and thread feed settings. After that it would be needle rotation, thread feed function, digitizing, presserfoot, flagging, etc...
    You should get someone on the phone to walk you through checking your settings. Have you been through training and do you have your trainer's phone number??? If not, call Melco service and see if they can recommend someone to assist. Unless someone on the list can spend the time with you.
    Good Luck,
    Ed Orantes
    -The Embroidery Authority-<br /><br />\"Turning your Problems into Production.\"<br />Ed Orantes<br />504-258-6260


    • #3
      Thanks Ed, I think it may have to do with the thread feed settings. Should I be using manual. Right now I sew everything on Auto. Most of it has to do with small lettering under .5"

      Thanks again

