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Pulling threads in the material

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  • Pulling threads in the material

    Oi, I need some help in the most "worsest" way. I just finish monogramming a pajama shirt that was 100% cotton, but had a "satiny" like finish. As the pocket was being stitched, I could see the material shrink, kinda like heat shrink, but it didn't pull. So it was like it was pulling the threads, but not the material. I used the Diane script, .5 inches, 4.5 density, cutaway backing and a 75/11 BP. Any ideas?


  • #2

    I had a request to stitch on satin ribbon, and experienced the same problem. I finally overcame most, if not all, of the issue by switching to a 65/9 needle and slowing the machine to a near halt (~500 spm).

    Hopefully, someone else will have a better suggestion that will help us both. If not, it might be worthwhile to try this on a piece of test or damaged material.
    Robert Brooks<br />Buy The Stitch<br />Custom Embroidery & Graphics


    • #3
      Diane script is one of those few fonts that has very thin columns in some areas and therefore is recommended to increase the column width by as much as 190%. Personally I prefer to increase this font's width by adding points instead of by percentage.
      Are you also using enough cut away backing or are you skimping?? How about a smaller needle.
      Just some thoughts.
      Good Luck,
      Ed Orantes
      -The Embroidery Authority-<br /><br />\"Turning your Problems into Production.\"<br />Ed Orantes<br />504-258-6260


      • #4
        Ed has good points-as I've learned the thinner the material the more backing you need. But also looking at what you put for font density...4.5 (for me) is way too dense.
        I'd start at 5.5 and go up from there-test until you get a decent lay-down without pucker. What's happening is the stitching is going down so dense the material HAS to pucker-it isn't strong enough to stay put. Also, change your minimum width to 10-a good tip Rod showed me and has saved the day many times since with small lettering.

