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Boy Scout logo?

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  • Boy Scout logo?

    Is the Boy Scout logo one of those that can be stitiched out by anyone, or should there be some kind of permission given?
    I just had a customer become quite, well let's just say, "obnoxious" for lack of "nicer" term.
    I explained to him that I wasn't sure about the legalities of the Boy Scout logo, but I would check into it.
    Well,"So & so does it for us all the time!" Well, go back to so & so then! Of course this is not what I said I to this man....but believe me I was tempted! It gets better, though. He wanted one polo done for the meeting on Monday....because you know "at Dick's Sporting Goods, they stitch it out while you wait". Let's just say, the rest of conversation had a bit of a "tone" to it. He told me he call me next week.
    LOL I just go ahead and digitize and stitch away?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    LuAnn @ Image Embroidery<br />Because Your \"Image\" Matters

  • #2
    I have seen many 'butchered' versions of the Boy Scout logo. Yes, it is copyrighted, no, they don't enforce it..yet.
    But I have the inside scoop (being a registered leader and on top of this stuff) that national headquarters is in the process of revamping their national code of using the logo-and they are going to start requiring all units to go through only 'authorized' shops with 'authorized' logos and setups.
    Is it worth you going to the expense of digitizing it? No...
    because he isn't going to pay for it and will want you to sew it out
    for $5 or something-because 'Dicks' does it'...
    maybe Dick's found out they couldn't do it!


    • #3
      Dear Image, (what are these people's names anyway?)

      If you ask me, I don't think I'd want to do any kind of business with an individual like this. Boy Scout Logo or any logo. Send him packing down the street and let him be a problem for your competition.

      Times like this we simply say "I don't think I'm going to be able to help you with this request. We're limited in what we are able to offer."

      Let him tell 10 of his friends because with friends like his, who needs enemas. Right??
      Also, if his friends are halfway decent, they already know what kind of a jerk he is.
      Water off a ducks back and move on to the next job. Even if that's taking out the trash.
      Unfortunately, "Welcome to Retail".

      I've had customer's asking me to do things for them when on a warranty call and let Melco pay for it. I politely say no and let them know it's not work risking my relationship with Melco. These are the same kind of folks who offer the cable guy $50 to "hook them up".
      You don't need those kind of customers! Why else do you think they call it "Dick's Sporting Goods"?

      Ed Orantes
      -The Embroidery Authority-<br /><br />\"Turning your Problems into Production.\"<br />Ed Orantes<br />504-258-6260


      • #4
        I just finished dealing with a customer about the Atlanta Falcons logo after telling them pretty nicely 3 times that I would not do the logo they sent me a email of "another" falcon they wanted done.I opened the email and it was the Atlanta Falcons logo again!!!! The fourth response was more to the point. I told them to find another place of buisness that does not mind doing that sort of work. I am glad to lose jobs like that.Because you know the next question would be "when can I have them"? Just a Friday vent.


