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not head up

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  • not head up

    I have a message that says not at head up. Ive restarted the machine and the needle is still down and wont go up. Ive dont the maintenace head up and it wont move. Any suggestions????GGGRRRR

  • #2 could have a problem.
    Hopefully one of the techs will jump in quick...I can only tell you what happened to us...
    first couple times-it was out of 'oil' on the needle bar and it seized up...took some time to get oil down it, and WITH THE MACHINE SHUT OFF I reached up inside the belly of the beast above the hoop bar, and you can feel the motor shaft there...manually turn it carefully to free up the needle bar. I did this with a tech on the phone glued to my ear...then we oiled and oiled and oiled. Now they say 20 drops of oil, not 8!
    The last time it did it-started with a very painful and expense sounding 'kathunk' and the reciprcating cam follower doohickey snapped in half-it's hiding behind the removeable panel to the left of the needle bar. Had the service tech on the phone for this one-and as soon as I said "I see 2 pieces'...he said...I'll be up in 2 days with a new part. Warranty is so nice to have!
    So I hope you have problem 1 and not problem 2!


    • #3
      And let me say it again so no one says I mislead you....NEVER NEVER not EVER stick your hands in the belly of the beast unless it is SHUT OFF and better yet, UNPLUGGED!
      And if you aren't sure what to do-get a tech on the phone!
      Well worth waiting if you have to!

