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  • Letter

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to sew the letterman letters onto a letterman jacket. I had one provided to me and am having difficulty figuring out how to get it sewn onto the jacket without having to use my personal sewing machine.
    Tara Childs<br />Impressing Promotions, LLC<br />2575 Campus Dr., Suite 341<br />Klamath Falls, OR 97601

  • #2
    The ony way I know is to Scan the letter into your computer, open the sccan in Design shop or you digitizing program then build a 15 pt running stitch around the outside of the letter inside around a 1/4 from the edge. then make sure you have a good tie in and tie off.
    Thenhoop the jacket where you want the letter, load the design, use a thread color that mathces the jacket background as closely as possible and sew the desing once. don't take it out of the hoop, now place your letter over the sewn guideline making sure you have as close to your 1/4 gap on all sides as possible. use spray adhesive or tape to hold it in place, then change your thread color to one that matches the letter show it won't show. DON'T MOVE THE HOOP.
    Hit Start and it should sew around the edge like you want it too. if by chance it's off slightly you can stop it and use your hoopalignment arrows on the amaya keypad to slightly bump it into the direction it needs to go and contiue to sew. Once it's right I usually run it again to have 2 complete passes around it. Simple enough?
    Clear as mud? : )
    That's how we do it anyways.

    Good Luck.
    Ron Vinyard<br />Body Cover Design<br /><br />Grants Pass, Oregon


    • #3

      I have my seamstress do them because its so much faster and cost effective to do on a sewing machine.

      Otherwise do it like Ron suggested which is similar to an applique.
      Aaron Sargent<br />Pegboard<br />541-727-1440

