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Design Shop Pro+

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  • Design Shop Pro+

    I am a new Amaya user and new to Design Shop. I have mainly used an auto digitizing software by Click N Stitch for home embroidery machine. I am having problems taking a graphic from my scanner or a graphic file and have it auto digitized in Design Shop Pro + -- I get it digitized what I think looks good on the computer screen -- BUT when I go to embroider I get massive amounts of bobbin breaks when it comes to the small stitches. I even had problems last night trying to embroidery lettering using Open Block size .5 -- I have used files that were already digitized and I don't have this problem - so I know its the digitizing that needs fixing - any help would be appreciated!

    Beckie Henderson
    Bee-Utiful Creations
    Beckie Henderson<br />Bee-Utiful Creations

  • #2

    I do not use DesignShop Pro but I can guarantee you that it is miles ahead of Click N Stitch in digitizing capabilities.

    Autodigitizing has its place and it can be useful at times but overall, it simply can not match the quality of work produced by manual digitizing.

    Take the time to get comfortable with DesignShop and put a whole lot of effort in understanding embroidery basics [push-pull effect, underlay stitching, densities, stitch types, etc]. Do this and you will wonder why you ever bothered with Click N Stitch.



    • #3
      Thanks Bob - I have been trying to find information in the Design Shop manual - are there other sources that I can use to find out more about the manual digitizing in Design Shop
      Beckie Henderson<br />Bee-Utiful Creations


      • #4

        Your density may be too dense for the open block lettering at that size. To decrease the density, bring up the properties box, then select the column tab, put in a larger number (I work in mm so instead of 4, I might put in a 5)for the density. My guess on your lettering, you have too many stitches for the area.

        Hope this helps.

        Sewfly Embroidery


        • #5

          I do not use DesignShop so I really don't know what is available as far as helping you to learn that software specifically. Many of the digitizing programs available today have built in tutorials and / or links to online lessons. Hopefully others can tell you more about what is available for DesignShop.

          If you [or anyone else] really want to learn to digitize, one of the very best investments you can make would be one of the good NON-SOFTWARE SPECIFIC lessons, tutorials, books or DVD's available. Check out the Digitizing 101 book by Thomas Moore Jr, the Creative Digitizing Made Easy series of DVD's by John Deere or the Stitchitize online lessons by Trevor Conquergood.

          Any of the above digitizing teaching aids will help you develop a good understanding of embroidery basics .... and this is the key to quality digitizing.



          • #6
            I have and use DS Pro+ and it is great! But, autodigitizing is not it's strong point. I have tried to use it, but I find that the time I spend on manual digitizing is much shorter than time I spend with the "auto-digitize" feature because I don't have the thread break and density problems you have described.

            Also, I get better quality designs with fewer stitches when I do it manually.

            If you are even remotely serious about digitizing you own designs. Forget about the auto-digitize feature. It is not worth the hassle and frustration when you get ready to sew.

            My last note. Auto digitizing doesn't take into account the type and weight of the fabric that you will embroider. You don't digitize the same for wovens, fleece, polos, and hats. You will have to spend the time learning how to digitize manually, it's worth it in the long run.


            • #7
              Thanks for all your input - as I thought digitizing is the answer. Herb my email is [email protected]. Thanks again
              Beckie Henderson<br />Bee-Utiful Creations

