My laser isn't as "sharp" as it used to be. Right now it looks like a line, about 1/4 inch long, vs. a dot, as it used to be. I have a few hats that I've "ruined" b/c the logo isn't centered. I've always been fine w/using the laser to line up an approx. center, but now it's just a guess...
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laser light
Good Morning Cindy
When I do hats my laser is never centered because the hat is higher on the needle plate than on flats. Therefore I ALWAYS drop the needle into the hat to deternine my location and in most cases I am on the mark without this step but I ALWAYS check.
Two things, the laser was never meant to be a "True centering" device. It is a hoop detection/tracing tool. Do we all use it for centering help, yes. Just remember the thicker the material the more the laser will "appear" to move to the right and rearward of a given X marks the spot on the fabric.
Using the laser to get close to center is ok, but then if the needle needs to be closer to "X marks the spot" then Larry is right, drop the needle to see where it is going to be. Lining up the active needle with the center seam on a cap is definitly better than "just" using the laser.
Signman, is probably the closest to what your problem is. to clean the laser light you will need to move the needle case to the number 1 position and then remove the right side black upper arm cover. And he is right about not looking directly into the laser beam. Eye damage or blindness can result from doing that with any laser light.
WARNING>>>WARNING>>> DO NO ALLOW THE NEEDLECASE TO MOVE WITH THIS COVER OFF." You will have dropped needlebars as a result. If you have depressed the E-Stop, do not release it until the cover has been replaced as the needle case may try to color change. If the machine is turned off, do not restart the machine until the cover has been replaced!
Use a soft cloth, Q-tip, etc, to lightly wipe the lazer lens. Do not remove the laser and laser block assembly to do this. Just clean the lens, it propably has dust or oil or both on it. The laser block looks like a white nylon square block with a brass colored tube running through it. the brass tube is the laser body and the lens is on the lower end of it and not really visible as it is inset about an eight of an inch or so up in the body. Just becareful of over rubbing or breaking the electrical connections loose. This is not a dificult operation, but as in all things, care must be taken.
Rod Springer
Amaya Tech & Trainer
The right side upper arm cover that was removed has a small grooved hole that allows the laser to shine through it. Inspect this closely as well, and make sure it is clean.
Try the laser on all 16 needle positions. I have witnessed a backed out screw blocking the laser, especially on needles 1 and 2.
Rod Springer
Amaya Tech & TrainerCertified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117
Thank you all, very much, for the feedback! I have managed through this batch of shirts, but will definitely try and clean it.
What is the easiest way to "drop the needle"? I don't use the laser as an exact guide, but find it helpful.
I appreciate your time in this small matter.Blessings~cindy
It would be "Tools", "Maintenance", "Head Timing", and "Bottom Center". To return the needle to its headup position left click on "Head Up". This is for Ver 9.
If you are using Ver 7, just start with the Maintenance part of it.....
Rod Springer
Amaya Tech & TrainerCertified tech & trainer<br />208-898-4117
Amazing! I have been convinced that my laser was out of alignment because I saw it hitting one of the screws. Then I checked my other machines and they all hit the screw, but the other ones also hit the garment. I followed Rod's instructions above using a q-tip and then followed with compressed air. Works like new! Who knew? Thanks Rod.
David Sklar
Arlington, VADavid Sklar<br />Ballyhoo!<br />Arlington, VA <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>